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  • How to identify victims of child labour?

    Child labour (exploitation) in Moldova is a complex problem caused by poverty, but also by the traditionalist attitude towards the involvement of children in various works. Labour performed by children in their households, in reasonable conditions and under the supervision of relatives, is an integral part of the family life and the process of growth and development. Therefore, it can represent a beneficial experience for the child. However, sometimes there are cases when the workload is detrimental to the child’s education or exceeds his powers. Such situations are qualified as cases of child labour. In Moldova, child labour remains tolerated and accepted both by the society and professionals. The immediate consequences and especially the long term ones are unknown or ignored by parents. Even if professionals are aware of child labour cases and the intervention procedures, these cases remain anonymous.
    Keywords: children, prevention
  • How Schools are Integrating New Migrant Pupils and Their Families

    Chiara Manzoni, Heather Rolfe | Published in 2019
    Teachers and school leaders in our case study schools were very positive about the contribution that migrant pupils and their families make to the life of their schools. This includes the motivation and attitude of many migrant pupils and their families and the enrichment through exposure of pupils and staff to different languages and cultures. Our report presents many examples of ways in which non-migrant pupils benefit from being educated alongside migrants for example as buddies and ambassadors. At the same time, and particularly in the context of financial constraints, integrating migrant pupils can present challenges for schools which need to be addressed in the interests of all pupils.
    Keywords: children
  • Position of human trafficking victims in court proceedings: Analysis of judicial practice for 2014

    ASTRA | Published in 2014
    Through annual analysis of judicial practice in Serbia, ASTRA – Anti Trafficking Action continues its endeavour to promote the position of human trafficking victims with the goal of achieving full realization of their guaranteed rights. The position of human trafficking victims and respect of their human rights in judicial proceedings are important not only from the aspect of each individual case and the position of victims in general, but also represent an indicator of the degree of democracy and respect for human rights and willingness of the state to combat human trafficking in an adequate manner. It is particularly important to bear in mind that the number of victims of human trafficking is increasing both globally and in Serbia.
    Keywords: human trafficking, victimisation
  • Global Report on Trafficking in Persons

    UNODC | Published in 2018
    The Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2018 puts the spotlight on human trafficking in armed conflict. Human trafficking is always a crime, committed with the intention to exploit; in conflict situations, characterized by violence, brutality and coercion, traffickers can operate with even greater impunity. Trafficking in armed conflict has taken on horrific dimensions – child soldiers, forced labour, sexual slavery.
    Keywords: human trafficking, humanitarian, prevention, victimisation
  • Public Understanding of Child Sexual Exploitation

    Barnardo’s Scotland | Published in 2019
    This report contains the results of a pilot national survey of public understanding of child sexual exploitation in Scotland. There is and has been considerable activity to develop awareness of child sexual exploitation, with aims of ensuring that children affected by exploitation are able to reach help and that all people play an active role in the prevention of child sexual exploitation. The purpose of this survey is to explore where we might want to know more about public understanding of child sexual exploitation in Scotland. The survey was conducted by YouGov Plc in March 2018 through their Scotland omnibus. 1,007 adults (18+) took part. The results were weighted to be representative of the Scottish adult population.
    Keywords: children, prevention
  • Integrating Students from Migrant Backgrounds into Schools in Europe: National Policies and Measures

    European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice | Published in 2019
    This report focuses on the integration of students from migrant backgrounds into schools. This is a complex process which aims to give children and young people access to quality education and to provide any necessary language, learning and social-emotional support. It also involves helping them to adapt to their new school environment and ensuring that they make good progress in their learning. Taking the process a step further means ensuring that this environment is welcoming for students from diverse backgrounds and with different needs, and guaranteeing a safe space where all students feel secure, valued and able to learn.
    Keywords: children, migration
  • Annual Review of the Human Rights Situation of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Intersex People

    ILGA-Europe | Published in 2019
    This 2019 edition of the Annual Review perfectly captures the multiple layers of the “state of play” for LGBTI people in Europe at the moment. In recent years, trans and intersex activism has provided much optimism. In 2018 again, thanks to the tireless work of advocates for the human rights of trans people and of intersex people, the number of governments adopting legal gender recognition laws moving towards respecting the on principle of self-determination again increased and more and more governments are starting to discuss how to ban intersex surgeries. While we celebrate such achievements, our movement is all too aware of the multiple challenges that lie ahead. As you’ll read in this Review, the negative impact of the so-called “anti-gender” groups is seen in several countries, as it pollutes public discussions and political advances on trans equality legislation, on equal recognition of diverse forms of families, on inclusive education or access to information about LGBTI issues. Asylum is another clear thread in this publication. While the number of LGBTI people who have to flee their countries (within and outside Europe) is not decreasing, still too few European countries are taking all the necessary measures to ensure that LGBTI refugees and asylum-seekers are treated with the dignity, care and safety they deserve. It is also concerning to see that some trends feature so prominently year after year: including widespread hate speech by public figures and religious leaders which goes unpunished, public authorities banning or failing to protect prides and other public events, and attacks against human rights defenders.
    Keywords: gender inequality, LGBTQ, migration
  • Behind the numbers: ending school violence and bullying

    UNESCO Education Sector | Published in 2019
    This UNESCO publication provides an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of global and regional prevalence and trends related to school-related violence and examines the nature and impact of school violence and bullying. It reviews national responses, focusing on countries that have seen positive trends in prevalence and identifies factors that have contributed to an effective response to school violence and bullying.
    Keywords: bullying, children
  • Migration, displacement, and education: building bridges, not walls

    Global Education Monitoring Report | Published in 2019
    Currently, laws and policies are failing migrant and refugee children by negating their rights and ignoring their needs. Migrants, refugees and internally displaced people are some of the most vulnerable people in the world, and include those living in slums, those moving with the seasons to eke out a living and children in detention. Yet they are often outright denied entry into the schools that provide them with a safe haven and the promise of a better future.The school environment needs to adapt to and support the specific needs of those on the move. Placing immigrants and refugees in the same schools with host populations is an important starting point to building social cohesion. However, the way and the language in which lessons are taught, as well as discrimination, can drive them away. Expanding provision and ensuring inclusion require investment, which many host countries cannot meet alone. Humanitarian aid is currently not meeting children’s needs, as it is often limited and unpredictable. The message of this Report is clear: Investing in the education of those on the move is the difference between laying a path to frustration and unrest, and laying a path to cohesion and peace.
    Keywords: children, migration
  • Desperate Journeys: Refugees and migrants arriving in Europe and at Europe’s borders

    UNHCR | Published in 2018
    This report calls for the urgent establishment of a coordinated and predictable regional response to rescue at sea, as well as greater responsibility sharing in general. This should include increased rescue capacity, specified and predictable disembarkation points, more solidarity and support for those countries where most refugees and migrants arrive, improved access to safe and legal pathways (such as resettlement, family reunification, education and labour schemes), greater protection for unaccompanied children and sexual and gender-based violence survivors, and tougher measures against the perpetrators of crimes against refugees and migrants, including traffickers and smugglers.
    Keywords: guidance, migration

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