Multimedia Products

In recent years, VSE began developing its media content. Our aim is to support the exchange of knowledge among practitioners, to raise awareness among the general public and to better inform the victims of their rights and services that exist.

All our multimedia products provide factual information. You are free to decide what to use and when.

I. Our YouTube Channel

Please, find all our videos on VSE’s Youtube Channel.
We have created playlists on our channel to categorise the videos as relating to one topic: Info for practitioners, Info on trafficking, Info on terrorism, Info on domestic violence, Info on cybercrime, etc.
We will continue extending the database of videos in the coming months.

II. Our Campaign Videos

Through a series of videos displaying expert interviews on the different facets of victims’ rights issues, VSE in collaboration with the partners raise awareness of the general public about victims’ rights online. The videos are usually recycled for the purpose of a capacity building workshops on the certain thematics, aimed at victim support professionals.

You won’t believe it, but it exists…’ Campaign Videos

‘You won’t believe it, but it exists…’ awareness-raising multimedia campaign content.

This campaign features the faces and voices of victims that we discover through the campaign animations and videos. In these films – one produced for each partner country, in the national language, victims invite the public on a powerful and emotional journey through their stories. From its opening, spotlighting stunning vistas of the country landscape, where the victim’s narrative takes place to the setting in which the offense occurred, the videos showcase the impacts of crime and empower victims to act. The characters share what happened to them, their doubts and fears, how they discovered that support existed, when and how they had the courage to seek for help and how they were assisted.

‘One Voice – One Cause’ Campaign Videos

‘One Voice – One Cause’ awareness-raising multimedia campaign content.

The ‘One Voice-One Cause” campaign aimed at: (1) putting pressure on national governments in regards to the implementation of the major EU law on victims’ rights (the EU Victims’ Rights Directive) and (2) informing EU citizens of their victims’ rights and the available support services.

‘Crime is Crime. Even Online’ Campaign Videos

‘Crime Is Crime. Even Online’ awareness-raising campaign multimedia content.

In 2019, Victim Support Europe (VSE) has conducted ‘Crime Is Crime. Even Online’ campaign-in-collaboration to inform netizens of their rights when subjects of online hate, and available support services in the case of victimisation.
By using the tagline “Crime is Crime. Even Online”, the campaign relied heavily on expert videos to convey its main theme, emphasising a focus on the rights of victims’ of online hate speech.

‘Good Human Rights Stories’ Campaign Videos


In 2018, the European External Action Service (EEAS) ran “Good Human Rights Stories Initiative”, a cross-regional coalition of human rights-minded countries to develop and share a new positive narrative on Human Rights. The EU story focused on the victims’ rights.

Victim Support Europe have been asked by the EEAS to showcase good news stories relevant to victims rights. Therefore, we (in collaboration with Transcendent Media Capital) have created five short videos which reflect how the EU has benefitted victims of crime.

The videos were shown at the UN General Assembly meeting in New York on the 26th of September, during which the EU together with other countries (14 foreign ministers and the UN) launched the Good Human Rights Stories global initiative. The ceremony was chaired by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Vice President, Federica Mogherini.

III. VSE’s Social Media Platforms

We use our Social Media Platforms to effectively feature multimedia products.
Visit our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn pages.

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