Sponsorship Info

How VSE is Funded and Why We Need Sponsors

At VSE, we are committed to upholding the principles of transparency, independence and accountability in carrying out our mission. We continuously strive to manage our financial resources in a way that ensures that the needs of the European victim support community are served in the best way possible.

VSE’s funding is always allocated to carefully planned work programme and activities. VSE’s 5-year strategic framework, approved by the membership, also guides our priorities and direction of our work. VSE does not accept funding to implement the plans or agendas of other entities.

The majority of funds are acquired through competitive grant application processes. In the last years, the proportion of project-specific funding increased compared to the overall budget. This shows that, on one hand, our focus is shifting towards diversification of our funding resources and building capacity of the community, but it also means that we still have a budget deficit of 10% (approximately 60000 euros) that should be secured by donations from sponsors. This is why VSE started investing efforts in engaging individual donors and companies in our work for the community.

The funding of VSE comes from multiple and diverse sources. This said, most of our funding comes from:

  • 60% of our budget is funded by the European Commission (DG Justice) through an operating grant designed to support general management and governance, work with members and policy work
  • 25% is project-specific funding that allows to resource the community and support advocacy strategies on a national level, as well as build the capacity of VSE and its members in various areas
  • 5-7% of the budget comes from membership fees

The remaining 8-10% of the budget is secured thanks to donations from individuals and companies, as well as contribution of event participants (VSE Annual Conference) who fund their own accommodation and subsistence. The majority of donation funds are unrestricted and allow VSE to assign them to areas most needing financial support. Go to our GET INVOLVED page to join VSE and benefit change on a national and European level.

VSE Financial Overview 2019

Below you will find our sponsorship package – the documents that we distribute to potential sponsors; an agreement that implies the support of an event or an activity by an external brand. 

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