Policy Development Groups

As VSE has grown, it is developing a range of groups to ensure an inclusive process so that the views of members, victims and experts from around the world are listened to when developing our policies and activities. At present, VSE has one permanent Centre of Excellence established with respect to distance support. VSE previously also established a working group for its 2015-2020 strategy and will create a similar working group for the next strategy.

As VSE develops new substantial area’s of activity, eg development of training services, it will create additional groups.
Below you will find information on the current groups.

Centre of Excellence for Distance Support and 116 006 Helpline

As members are located in different countries and may be in contact with different groups of victims, they all have different experiences and challenges to share. The Centre of Excellence is a place for VSE members to share their knowledge, experience, and good practices on different issues related to 116 006 helplines and distance support.

VSE aims to have the 116 006 helpline implemented in every EU Member State. To this end, we have created a working group within the Centre of Excellence, which is developing quality standards for helplines and other forms of distance support. These standards may act as guidelines for Member States that are setting up a 116 006 helpline.

Past meetings

Below you can find the powerpoint presentations of the speakers:


The European Commission has reserved five short numbers with a single format 116 + 3 digits for helplines that should be accessible across Europe, you can find more information here: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/116-helplines

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