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Knowledge Database
  • Hidden resilience and adaptive dynamics of the global online hate ecology

    N. F. Johnson, R. Leahy, N. Johnson Restrepo, N. Velasquez, M. Zheng, P. Manrique, P. Devkota, S. Wuchty | Published in 2019
    Online hate and extremist narratives have been linked to abhorrent real-world events, including a current surge in hate crimes and an alarming increase in youth suicides that result from social media vitriol; inciting mass shootings such as the 2019 attack in Christchurch, stabbings and bombings; recruitment of extremists, including entrapment and sex-trafficking of girls as fighter brides; threats against public figures, including the 2019 verbal attack against an anti-Brexit politician, and hybrid (racist–anti-women–anti-immigrant) hate threats against a US member of the British royal family; and renewed anti-western hate in the 2019 post-ISIS landscape associated with support for Osama Bin Laden’s son and Al Qaeda. Social media platforms seem to be losing the battle against online hate and urgently need new insights. This paper shows that the key to understanding the resilience of online hate lies in its global network-of-network dynamics.
    Keywords: hate crime
  • Restorative justice in road traffic offences: A manual for professionals and victim-volunteers

    Moderator | Published in 2018
    This manual is, amongst other products developed within the framework of the EU-funded project “Victims of road traffic offences”. Restorative justice was one of the project’s main topics. This manual aims to guide professionals and volunteers close to road victims through the world of restorative justice. Apart from some brief background information on restorative justice and its variety of practices, this manual will focus on personal motivations for participation in RJ, outcomes of RJ processes, keys to success and concrete tips and tricks for fieldworkers. Many examples, quotes and narratives of people who were involved in restorative processes are included, to make this manual more vivid and accessible for the reader.
    Keywords: restorative justice
  • FGM: Shadow Report – SPAIN

    The present joint shadow report is produced by Médicos del Mundo, Save a Girl Save a Generation and UNAF, in coordination with End FGM EU, in order to highlight the current situation and propose concrete recommendations on the issue of prevention, protection, prosecution and integrated policies concerning female genital mutilation in Spain.
    Keywords: FGM
  • FGM: Shadow Report – BELGIUM

    The present joint shadow report is produced by GAMS Belgium and INTACT1, in coordination with End FGM EU, in order to highlight the current situation and propose concrete recommendations on the issue of prevention, protection, prosecution and integrated policies concerning female genital mutilation in Belgium.
    Keywords: FGM
  • Implementing Restorative Justice with Children

    International Juvenile Justice Observatory | Published in 2018
    this Practical Guide aims to disseminate the knowledge and promising practices that have been gathered in the first year of the project, by framing them with the legal safeguards and rights provided for children – specifically for children who enter in contact with justice, as victims and as offenders – and envisages to make a restorative process safe and childfriendly. Being aimed at professionals of the juvenile justice systems (youth and health workers, police, lawyers, magistrates, probation officers, educators and other professionals working with child victims and child offenders), and at policy makers, the Guide will show in detail how three successful practice models of juvenile restorative justice have actually been implemented, which steps have been followed – from the legislative reforms to the evaluation of the process at local level – and how they practically address the needs of young people.
    Keywords: children, restorative justice
  • How to talk about FGM

    Through this position paper, the End FGM European Network sets out its approach to language in the global movement to End FGM. It is intended for any person seeking information on FGM and the vocabulary used in the field, and is of particular interest to the media and other professionals reporting on the subject or in contact with FGM survivors and FGM-affected communities. To ensure an accurate understanding of the practice, the paper first presents the official definition of female genital mutilation and its related denominations in different contexts. We then present narratives and discourse surrounding the practice and provide recommendations to avoid stigmatisation and promote empowerment.
    Keywords: FGM
  • FGM: Shadow Report – FINLAND

    The present joint shadow report is produced by FLHR in coordination with End FGM EU, in order to highlight the current situation and propose concrete recommendations on the issue of prevention, protection, prosecution and integrated policies concerning female genital mutilation in Finland.
    Keywords: FGM
  • FGM: Shadow Report – FRANCE

    The present joint shadow report is produced by Equipop, Excision, parlons-en! and professionals in coordination with the End FGM European Network, in order to highlight the current situation and propose concrete recommendations on the issue of prevention, protection, prosecution and integrated policies concerning female genital mutilation in France.
    Keywords: FGM
  • Connecting People to Restore Just Relations: Practice Guide on Values and Standards for restorative justice practices

    European Forum for Restorative Justice | Published in 2018
    This document is designed to offer guidance and support within the field of restorative justice. It is not intended to be prescriptive as there is also a risk in standards that are too rigid restricting innovation and creativity. It is also based upon the recognition that there are many contexts in which restorative processes can be applied, there is a growing variety of restorative processes and that critically the process must fit the needs, capabilities and cultures of diverse participants.
    Keywords: restorative justice, victims' rights
  • Briefing Paper about the Regulation of Restorative Justice in the Directive 2012/29/EU

    European Forum for Restorative Justice | Published in 2016
    This Briefing Paper launched by the European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ) aims to assess the potential and to highlight the limits provided by the Victims’ Directive in relation to the regulation of restorative justice in the European Union.
    Keywords: restorative justice, victims' rights

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