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  • “Sink or Swim”: Barriers for Children with Disabilities in the European School System

    Human Rights Watch | Published in 2018
    Based on interviews with 27 people between September and November 2018, this report documents the cases of 12 children and one young adult with a range of disabilities and found that despite states’ obligations under the convention, European Schools allow the exclusion of children on the basis of disability. Their Policy on the Provision of Educational Support states that “European Schools do not offer a fully inclusive education system…. [T]he school is entitled to declare itself unable to meet the needs of the pupil.” These cases took place in five European Schools, but shed light on a number of structural issues in the European School system which also affect students in other European Schools.
    Keywords: discrimination, victims' rights
  • Handbook on Justice for Victims

    UNODCCP | Published in 1999
    The Handbook outlines the basic steps in developing comprehensive assistance services for victims of crime. For example, the first step in the provision of victim services should always be to provide for the physical safety and immediate medical needs of victims. Many victims may also benefit from services such as crisis or long-term counselling, compensation, accompaniment to court and other advocacy services.Certain types of victims may require additional attention that cannot be fully covered in this Handbook. Additional manuals may be required on how to work with individuals who have suffered particular types of victimization such as child abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault or hate crime. Additional manuals may further explore responses to victims of torture or other mass victimization occurring where legal and social systems have collapsed or are substantially incapable of fulfilling their functions. Additional manuals may also focus on the work of particular professions. Experts from nearly 40 countries have participated in the development of this Handbook. The writers represent only some of the many diverse jurisdictions around the world, however, and only some of the professions helping victims. The viewpoints and experience of persons from particular countries may consequently receive perhaps excessive attention. It is hoped that in the months and years to come, practitioners, researchers and policy makers around the world will contribute information about their own experiences and programmes, tailor the information presented in this Handbook to meet their specific needs and legal systems and offer suggestions on how the Handbook can be improved. Its widest possible relevance will be a continuing aim in the quest to alleviate the plight of victims of crime and abuse of power around the world.
    Keywords: justice, victims' rights
  • Assisting trafficking victims: A guide for victim advocates

    This technical assistance guide provides information about the prevalence of sexual violence throughout various forms of human trafficking. The content of this guide is intended to support community-based advocates working in their outreach and service provision to trafficking victims. This guide includes information from the research on trafficking, a discussion of the role of advocates, and possible advocacy and collaborative strategies.
    Keywords: human trafficking, support, victims' rights
  • From Banners to Bullets: The International Identitarian Movement

    Simon Murdoch and Joe Mulhall | Published in 2017
    At the core of identitarianism is the racist idea of ethnic-separatism which they call ‘ethnopluralism’. Similarly, they also call for ‘remigration’, a coded term for the idea of repatriation of non-white people.This report shows how identitarian groups are active in at least 23 countries around the world, making this one of the most dangerous far-right networks currently active. Through a combination of short profiles, longer articles and maps this report goes country-by-country, giving an unprecedented overview of the whole identitarian movement, including the prominent youth network Generation Identity (GI), in Europe, North America and around the world.
    Keywords: discrimination, hate crime, migration, terrorism, violence
  • Unboxing Artificial Intelligence: 10 steps to protect Human Rights

    Council of Europe | Published in 2019
    The Recommendation is addressed at member states, but the principles concern anyone who significantly influences – directly or indirectly – the development, implementation or effects of an Artificial Intelligence system. AI developed in the private sector should be held to the same standards as that developed in the public sector if and when there is any intention to work with public bodies and public services.
    Keywords: data protection, victims' rights
  • Implementation of Directive 2012/29/EU for victims of corporate crimes and corporate violence

    Victims and Corporations Project | Published in 2017
    The project 'Victims and corporations. Implementation of Directive 2012/29/EU for victims of corporate crimes and corporate violence' focuses on three main strands of corporate victimization: environmental crime, food safety violations, and offences in the pharmaceutical industry.
    Keywords: victimisation, victims' rights, violence
  • European Commission against Racism and Intolerance: Annual Report

    European Commission against Racism and Intolerance | Published in 2019
    ECRI’s task is to combat racism, xenophobia, antisemitism and intolerance at the level of greater Europe and from the perspective of the protection of human rights. ECRI’s action covers all necessary measures to combat violence, discrimination and prejudice faced by persons or groups of persons, on grounds of “race”, colour, language, religion, nationality, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Keywords: discrimination, hate crime
  • Meeting the needs of survivors and families bereaved through terrorism

    Victim Support (UK) | Published in 2016
    This report presents VS’s research findings on the support needs of survivors and families bereaved through terrorism. It examines the range and co-ordination of available services in England and Wales and, using examples of what VS believes to be international good practice, looks at how the provision of support can ultimately be improved. At a time when the threat of terrorism to the UK is ‘severe’ and public concern is high, it aims to provide personal insights into the survivor’s journey through the system, and to inform key agencies with a responsibility to deliver help and support about the shortcomings that have been identified through practice.
    Keywords: support, terrorism, trauma
  • Responding to terror attacks

    Victim Support (UK) | Published in 2017
    This report provides information and insights from Victim Support's experience in responding to the terrorist attacks which took place in the UK over the course of 2017. This report highlights the importance of ensuring that those affected get the support they need for as long as they need it. It also includes some first-hand experiences of survivors of the recent terror attacks, which they have wanted to share.
    Keywords: support, terrorism
  • Terrorism Situation and Trend Report

    Europol | Published in 2019
    The EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TESAT) has provided verified facts on terrorism in Europe since 2006. The report has been accepted as a benchmark in discussions about EU counterterrorism policies and academic studies. This is the latest, 2019 edition of the TE-SAT report available to the general public.
    Keywords: terrorism

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