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  • Crime, Safety and Victims’ Rights

    FRA | Published in 2021
    This report presents results from FRA’s Fundamental Rights Survey – the first EU-wide survey to collect comparable data on people’s experiences with, concern about, and responses to select types of crime. It focuses on violence and harassment, as well as on certain property crimes. The survey reached out to 35,000 people in the EU, the United Kingdom and North Macedonia. Many EU Member States carry out crime victimisation surveys. But these surveys cover different time periods and types of crime, and phrase questions differently. This makes it difficult to compare findings. FRA’s survey used the same questionnaire in all countries covered. As such, it is an important new data source to inform both policy efforts and action on the ground.
    Keywords: justice, support, victims' rights
  • Breaking down barriers: Access to justice in Europe for victims of international crimes

    Sarah Finnin (FIDH) | Published in 2020
    This Report examines the extent to which the specialised units within the EU that investigate and prosecute serious international crimes uphold EU standards on victims’ rights. It is based on research conducted between 2019 and 2020, including approximately 140 interviews with practitioners and policy makers in five Member States—Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden. The Report includes five country chapters that examine the law and practice in these countries as well as an analysis of common challenges and emerging best practices.
    Keywords: cross-border crime, justice, victims' rights
  • Roadmap for the Victims’ Rights Strategy 2020-2024: VSE Contribution

    VSE | Published in 2020
    VSE strongly welcomes the European Commission proposal for an EU Strategy on victims’ rights for 2020-2024. It is clear that an EU Victims Strategy, which supports long term planning and proper, coordinated implementation of policies across a wide range of sectors whilst ensuring that no victim is forgotten, is critical and long overdue. Nevertheless, it is essential that this Strategy does not join the list of EU strategies which became paper documents with limited implementation success.
    Keywords: justice, victims' rights, VSE
  • What do Fundamental Rights Mean for People in the EU?

    FRA | Published in 2020
    Do human rights matter in our European societies? A decade or so ago, such a question would almost have been unthinkable. But across the EU and beyond, human rights systems have since been under steady threat – dismissed as political correctness gone too far, as serving only the elite, and as inconvenient barriers to swift action.FRA’s Fundamental Rights Survey reached out to almost 35,000 people in the EU and North Macedonia to ask them about a range of issues linked to their human – or fundamental – rights. This report presents a small selection of the results.
    Keywords: victims' rights
  • Questions and Answers on the rights to support and protect victims of gender-based violence, including women affected by female genital mutilation

    The present Questions and Answers document (“Q&A”) is focused on the application of the Victims’ Rights Directive to FGM survivors, and on the related rights. The first part of the document provides important general information on the nature of the Directive and its relevance for persons affected by FGM. The second part examines the rights conferred upon victims and their relevance for persons affected by FGM. This Q&A aspires to assist FGM survivors in better understanding and pursuing their rights emanating from the Directive, and to enable organizations working on FGM in Europe to acquire a good understanding of the obligations of EU Member States. It is intended to be used primarily by the members of the End FGM Network, but it will also be useful to other NGOs or civil society organizations (hereinafter “CSOs”) working on victim’s rights. Finally, the guide can serve as a useful source of information for e-learners on the United to END FGM web knowledge platform.
    Keywords: FGM, support, victims' rights
  • EUCRIM: The Future of EU Criminal Justice – Expert Perspectives

    EUCRIM | Published in 2020
    Eucrim is an online platform that serves as a Europe-wide forum for European criminal law and intends to encourage discussion among both practitioners and academics. This issue of the EUCRIM journal features European experts who share their perspectives on various aspects of the future of the criminal justice in the EU.
    Keywords: justice, victims' rights
  • Report from the Commission the implementation of Directive 2012/29/EU

    European Commission | Published in 2020
    this report assesses the extent to which Member States have taken the necessary measures in order to comply with the Directive. The Victims’ Rights Directive requires not only transposition into national legislation. It also requires that Member States take non-legislative measures such as setting up of general and specialist support services and ensuring that practitioners and other people coming into contact with victims are effectively trained on victims’ rights and needs. The assessment is based on the analysis of the national measures transposing the Directive that were notified to the Commission and of additional data that was communicated to the Commission on the basis of Article 28 of the Directive. This report focuses on the core provisions of the Directive that are grouped in the following clusters: (1) scope and definitions; (2) access to information; (3) procedural rights; (4) access to support services; (5) restorative justice; and (6) right to protection. The report assess the situation in all Member States bound by the Directive.
    Keywords: victims' rights
  • Evaluation of the Victims’ Rights Directive

    European Commission | Published in 2020
    The evaluation will assess the impact of the Victims’ Rights Directive from the date of its entry into application in 2015 until the end of 2020. The evaluation will cover all EU Member States that are bound by the Directive. It will also assess whether and to what extent the Directive has fulfilled its objectives. The evaluation will cover the correct application, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence, relevance and EU added value of the Victims’ Rights Directive. The effectiveness analysis will assess the extent to which the Victims’ Rights Directive has achieved its specific objectives. The efficiency analysis will assess the benefits and costs of the implementation of the Victims’ Rights Directive in the Member States. The coherence analysis will focus on the Directive’s coherence with other instruments in the area of victims’ rights, such as the Compensation Directive, Directive on the European protection order and Regulation on mutual recognition of protection measures in civil matters. The relevance analysis will check to what extent the Directive has been (and still is) relevant to its objectives. The EU added value analysis will check the impact attributed to the Victims’ Rights Directive and whether it could not have been achieved by the Member States acting alone.
    Keywords: victims' rights
  • Data to the rescue: how humanitarian aid NGOs should collect information based on the GDPR

    Theodora Gazi | Published in 2020
    Data collection is valuable before, during and after interventions in order to increase the effectiveness of humanitarian projects. Although the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets forth rules for the processing of personal data, its implementation by humanitarian aid actors is crucial and presents challenges. Failure to comply triggers severe risks for both data subjects and the reputation of the actor. This article provides insights into the implementation of the guiding principles of the GDPR, the legal bases for data processing, data subjects’ rights and data sharing during the provision of humanitarian assistance.
    Keywords: data protection
  • Widespread data protection abuses highlighted by GDPR

    FRA | Published in 2019

    Keywords: data protection

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