Have a look! VSE 2022 Activity Report per team

Dear VSE members,

As you all know, the General Meeting will take place online on this Friday 9 December, from 10:00 – 13:00 CET / Brussels time. The programme of this year’s General Meeting is organised differently. We are piloting a new approach to make the meeting more dynamic and address only the most relevant work issues that are beneficial for VSE members.

In previous years, VSE teams presented the updates of the present year and a future look on their activities for the upcoming year. This year, we would like to pilot a new approach.

The idea is that updates and achievements of 2022 will not be presented during the GM, but will be uploaded as animated film on intranet for members to watch in advance of the event. During the event, we will only focus on 3 strategic priorities for Victim Support Europe as an organisation: Policy and Advocacy; Capacity Building and Training; and Projects, Fundraising and Future Growth.

You can find the animated films that showcase the 2022 activity reports from each team and how you as member organisations benefitted from this, following the below links:

Watch the 2022 Activity Report from the Advocacy & Policy Team

Watch the 2022 Activity Report from the Capacity Building Team

Watch the 2022 Activity Report from the Communications Team

Watch the 2022 Activity Report from the Training Academy Team

Watch the 2022 Activity Report from the Victim Care Team

You can find an overview of 2022 activities from the Project Team in the below paper. We have decided that this short paper is the best means to give you a clear, comprehensive and structured overview of our work on projects.

We kindly encourage you to go through the above materials in order to be up-to-date on VSE’s activities, ready to hear about the future look on VSE’s work in 2023 during the GM, this Friday at 10:00 am CET!

Kind regards,
VSE Team

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