VSE’s General Meeting 2022: Conclusions and Election results

Today, we hosted the last, but certainly not least, important meeting of 2022 – VSE General Meeting! Together with our members, we discussed our future look on 2023.

In 2023, Victim Support Europe is aiming to achieve ambitious goals in the following 4 key themes:

  • Advocacy
  • Collaboration
  • Changing perspectives and behaviours
  • Innovation

Given that the European Commission has announced a possible proposal for a revision of the Victims’ Rights Directive by March 2023, we believe it is key to seize the momentum to “go to the point” and put forward the solutions to the existing problems. This revision is indeed essential because it has the power to strengthen existing rights, establish clearer obligations for Member States and new rights for victims. Therefore, advocacy efforts will be a main focus of VSE’s work in 2023.

A key element of today’s happening was the input from all of the participants, without your valuable insights, we would not be able to achieve our ambitious goals! 

Finally, a big congratulations to our newly elected President – Rosa Jansen from Victim Support Netherlands, and Board Members – Jeffrey DeMarco from Victim Support England & Wales and Julianne Grima from Victim Support Malta!

A word from the President:

“I recognise myself in the ambitions of VSE and core and behavioural values, combined with innovation, healthy business operations and adequate finances. The fact that the interests of victims are the driving force, that their own direction is paramount, that customised solutions are sought and that what seems impossible is nevertheless made possible, feels familiar and is in line with multi-year programmes that I myself have led in recent years in Victim Support The Netherlands.

I believe in an organisation where there is a lot of room for development, own initiative and trust in employees. I like to see people around me shine. And of course humour is an absolute precondition for this.”

Rosa Jansen, President of Victim Support Europe

You can find the PowerPoint presentation below or on the dedicated intranet page.

Warm and festive holiday wishes from the whole VSE Team!

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