Update on the voting for the annual accounts + AGM Minutes

Dear VSE members,

At the Annual General Meeting in Berlin, we have informed you we had encountered some difficulties with the accountant and conducting the audit. Therefore, the voting for the annual accounts was postponed. 

NEW situation:

Last week we had a contact with a new accountant, Mr. David VANDERCAMME. The meeting was a success and he agreed to take over the accounting service from our previous accountant.

What is expected?

To start the process of validating the accounts and conducting the audit, we are in process of carrying out some administrative work and setting a date for the audit.

After the administrative work is carried out and audit is finalised, according to the BE law we are obliged to organise an Extraordinary General Meeting for the approval of the annual accounts. 

The meeting will ideally take place online end of July or beginning of August. The exact date of the meeting will be announced soon.

We kindly ask all our full members to be available for the voting process so that the accounts can be closed.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us. 

Thank you once again for your presence in Berlin and we apologise for the inconveniences that this situation might cause. 

Check the Minutes of the previous AGM online.

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