The European Commission has just launched its Roadmap for the adoption of a Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life in the EU

The initiative will pursue three main objectives: I) preventing and combating all forms of contemporary antisemitism; II) protecting and fostering Jewish life in Europe and III) ensuring remembrance of the victims of the Shoah, and education about antisemitism and Jewish life as well as the Holocaust as a defining moment of post-WWII Europe and the founding of the European Union. These objectives will guide the development of the strategy and its implementation.

You’re welcome to submit your contribution to the Strategy via this link:

VSE will submit its own contribution and we are eager to hear from you! Let us know if you’re planning to respond to the consultation. Do not hesitate to join the Forum discussion on VSE Hub to share the challenges faced by victims of anti-Semitism and the main priorities for support in your country! You can also contact VSE responsible staff: Léa Meindre-Chautrand,

To register for the VSE Hub visit the following page:

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