GREVIO published its 1st General Report

At a time of enforced lockdown, when domestic violence cases are on the rise, experts are pushing – again – for a law that would criminalise it.

GREVIO’s report sheds light on Council of Europe Member States’ efforts to implement the #IstanbulConvention through legislative reforms that have created mechanisms to encourage authorities to stop gender-based violence.

Despite progress achieved, persistent problems outlined in the report need to be addressed.

1️⃣For example, specialist support services for victims of violence against women are still insufficient in number and their funding “extremely volatile”, according to the report.

2️⃣In some countries, the geographical reach of specialist support services is insufficient, as support services are missing in rural areas, leading in practice to the exclusion of many.

3️⃣While counselling services and shelters for victims of domestic violence are better serviced, services that address sexual violence and other forms of violence against women often are lacking. Several countries, for instance, have not established a rape crisis centre or referral centre for victims of sexual violence.

4️⃣Finally, the deliberate spreading of false narratives about the Istanbul Convention. These narratives distort the aims of the convention, making it a hostage to irrational fears and particular domestic political agendas.

💡The Report is truly helpful in pointing out what the Istanbul Convention is about and what it is not. The convention is certainly not about ending sexual differences between women and men. Nowhere does the convention ever imply that women and men are or should be “the same”. The Convention does not threaten traditional values. It states that traditions, cultures and religion cannot justify violence against women.

❗️Of the 47 CoE member states, only Russia and Azerbaijan have failed to sign the 2011 Istanbul Convention. There are also seven EU Member States that have signed but not yet ratified it – Bulgaria, Czechia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, #Slovakia and the UK.

📕Read the report
GREVIO is the independent expert body responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention) by the Parties.

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