SAVE THE DATE: Upcoming workshops for Victims’ Rights Communicators Network in 2023

The Victim’s Rights Communicators Network has an ambitious workshop planning for 2023!

We are hosting 4 workshops over the course of next year. Soon we hope to provide a concrete planning for the whole year, but for now we are beyond excited to announce the first workshop of 2023:

Workshop: Best practices for setting up online prevention- and awareness-raising campaigns
Hosted by: Julie Bellinkx, Head of Unit – Responsible for PR, campaigns, training at  AMBER Alert Europe Foundation
When? 7 February 2023

Though it sometimes seems simple and straightforward, setting up a successful online prevention- and awareness-raising campaign can be a complex endeavor. There are many factors to take into consideration: who is the target audience, how can I reach the target audience, how can I make sure that the campaign hits its target, which format works best, what is the best timing, what concept is out-of-the-box enough to generate attention but still appropriate and suitable?

During this workshop, Julie will be talking about her experience in setting up online prevention- and awareness-raising campaigns. She will highlight which factors to take into consideration when you are planning to launch an online prevention- and awareness-raising campaign and have it effectively unfold before the target audience.

Make sure to mark this date in your agenda, more information such as time and meeting link will follow in the beginning of January!

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