Registration for “Campaigning on Twitter” workshop now open!

In spring 2022, Victim Support Europe (VSE) launched the Victims’ Rights Communicators Network (VRComNet) to jointly explore approaches to advancing a positive victims’ rights narrative in Europe.

Victims’ Rights Communicators Network (VRComNet) is a group of experts in communication working on victims’ rights from VSE member and partner organisations. The effective communication of victims’ rights is an important area of work for VSE, given that advancing victims’ rights is one of the core functions of our organisation. On the Victim Support Hub, we provide a platform for communication specialists of our member organisations to build their capacities and exchange expertise on effective victims’ rights communications. 

On the 30th of November, the members of the network have an opportunity to attend an online workshop “Campaigning on Twitter” conducted by Silvia Caneva, Public Policy Manager at Twitter.

The goal of this workshop is to help participants make the most of Twitter as a key tool to achieve a greater impact, whether the objective is to raise awareness of an issue, advocate for a cause, engage with policy makers, activists, other non-profits or the broader public.

The workshop will explore strategies and best practices to support your organisation’s activity, improve the content and maximise engagement. The workshop will also cover the latest tools that you can integrate in your communication and advocacy strategy, such as Twitter Spaces. There will be room for Q&A at the end of the workshop.

Language: Working language of the event is English.

Registration: Are you interested in attending this workshop? Please click here to complete the registration form.

Are you interested in becoming part of the Victims’ Rights Communicators Network? Please do reach out to VSE Communications Assistant Lieselotte Van Den Heuvel on the following email address:

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