Police-population relations: a synthesis of European experts’ points of view

Following the IPCAN (Independent Police Complaints Authorities’ Network) seminar organized by the Defender of Rights and the FRA (European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights) last autumn, we publish the report of two days of exchanges on police-population relations and challenges.

The document summarizes the latest research, studies and many examples of national practices, and synthesizes the exchanges of more than a hundred participants from Europe. This publication is complemented by a joint statement from several members of the IPCAN network calling for the implementation of around twenty recommendations to improve police-population relations.

The victim support community is invited to consider these exchanges in order to understand the issues at stake in a complex subject that necessarily calls for deep reflection:

• Discrimination and profiling, in particular during identity checks
• Management of public demonstration
• Reception and protection of victims, particularly vulnerable groups

• Discrimination and profiling, in particular during identity checks
• Management of public demonstration
• Reception and protection of victims, particularly vulnerable groups

See link to the all documents in English: 
Seminar report
Michael O’Flaherty’ speech
IPCAN Paris Declaration
Opening speech by the defender of rights

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