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Knowledge Database
  • Tips for Disaster Responders: Identifying substance misuse in the responder community

    The goal of this tip sheet is to provide you with information on the warning signs of misusing alcohol, prescription medication, or other substances.
    Keywords: crisis response, disaster, emergency, guidance, mass fatality, mental health, substance abuse, terrorism, usa, victim services
  • Psychological first aid: Medical reserve corps field operations guide

    As one of its first actions, the National Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Mental Health Work Group is recommending Psychological First Aid as a standard model of mental health intervention in early response to disasters and other traumatic events. They believe this Field Operations Guide helps to fill a major gap in the field by helping to standardize and […]
    Keywords: crisis response, disaster, emergency, guidance, mass fatality, mental health, psychological first aid, substance abuse, usa, victim services
  • Psychological first aid: Field guide for community religious professionals

    Keywords: children, crisis response, disaster, guidance, humanitarian, mass fatality, mental health, psychological first aid, religious, terrorism, victim services
  • After a crisis: Helping young children heal

    Tips from the Early Trauma Treatment Network
    Keywords: children, crisis response, disaster, family, guidance, mass fatality, mental health, terrorism, usa, victim services
  • Dealing with the Effects of Trauma – A Self-Help Guide

    This publication was funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS), and prepared by Mary Ellen Copeland, M.S., M.A. It contains information, ideas, and strategies that people from all over the country have found to be helpful in […]
    Keywords: guidance, humanitarian, mental health, self-help, trauma, usa
  • Parent tips for helping preschool-age children with disasters

    Psychological first aid – field operations guide
    Keywords: children, crisis response, disaster, family, guidance, psychological first aid, terrorism, trauma, usa
  • Psychological first aid: Guide for field workers

    This guide – endorsed by many international agencies – reflects the emerging science and international consensus on how to support people in the immediate aftermath of extremely stressful events.
    Keywords: capacity building, crisis response, disaster, guidance, mass fatality, mental health, psychological first aid, self-help, terrorism, trauma, usa, victim services
  • Disaster distress helpline

    U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services disaster distress helpline leaflet
    Keywords: crisis response, disaster, emergency, guidance, helpline, mass fatality, mental health, usa, victim services
  • Psychological First Aid: An Australian guide to supporting people affected by disaster

    This psychological first aid guide is for people working in disaster preparedness, response and recovery. It provides an overview of best practice in psychological first aid following disasters and traumatic events.
    Keywords: crisis response, disaster, guidance, humanitarian, mass fatality, mental health, psychological first aid, terrorism, victim services
  • Psychological first aid: Field operations guide 2nd edition

    Psychological First Aid intervention strategies are intended for use with children, adolescents, parents/caretakers, families, and adults exposed to disaster or terrorism. Psychological First Aid can also be provided to first responders and other disaster relief workers.
    Keywords: children, crisis response, disaster, emergency, guidance, mass fatality, mental health, psychological first aid, terrorism, usa, victim services

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