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Knowledge Database
  • Human Trafficking: Action Research Toolkit

    OVC TTAC | Published in 2020
    The purpose of the Human Trafficking Action Research Toolkit is to provide information, strategies, tools, and other resources to help organizations and programs understand and conduct action research. We created this toolkit to benefit the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC)-funded Human Trafficking Program Grantees; however, any victim service program wishing to conduct action research can benefit from the information and resources provided within this toolkit. This toolkit defines action research, explains why action research is important, and provides a detailed overview of the action research process over the course of five sections: Choose a Focus and Partners; Generate Knowledge through Data Collection; Leverage Data to Develop an Action Plan; Implement the Action Plan; Reflect and Report
    Keywords: capacity building, human trafficking, organised crime
  • INHeRE project – Safe Reporting Policy Brief

    INHeRE project consortium | Published in 2021
    In this policy brief, the INHeRE project consortium sets out national and European recommendations that are aimed at improving safe reporting. Safe reporting refers to an environment in which migrant victims are able to report sexual violence in safe conditions, protected from harassment, intimidation, secondary victimisation and immigration law enforcement. The purpose of a safe […]
    Keywords: migration, sexual violence
  • INHeRE project – Migration Policy Brief

    INHeRE project consortium | Published in 2021
    In this policy brief, the INHeRE project consortium sets out recommendations that are aimed at professionals working in the asylum sector and seeks to guide these professionals on how best to improve inclusive, holistic care for migrant victims of sexual violence.
    Keywords: migration, sexual violence
  • INHeRE project – Health Policy Brief

    INHeRE project consortium | Published in 2021
    In this policy brief, the INHeRE project consortium sets out recommendations that are aimed at health services and seek to guide health care professionals on how best to improve inclusive, holistic care for migrant victims of sexual violence.
    Keywords: migration, sexual violence
  • INHeRE project brochure (IT)

    INHeRE project | Published in 2021
    La brochure del progetto INHeRE (Assistenza Olistica Inclusiva per le Vittime Migranti di Violenza Sessuale) comprende informazioni sugli obiettivi del progetto, il consorzio e i risultati.
    Keywords: migration, sexual violence
  • INHeRE project brochure (FR)

    INHeRE project | Published in 2021
    La brochure du projet INHeRE (Soins Intégrés et Holistiques pour les Migrants Victimes de Violences Sexuelles) comprend des informations sur les objectifs, le consortium et les résultats du projet.
    Keywords: migration, sexual violence
  • INHeRE project brochure (NL)

    INHeRE project | Published in 2021
    De brochure van het INHeRE-project (Inclusieve Holistische Zorg voor Migranten die Slachtoffer zijn van Seksueel Geweld) bevat informatie over de doelstellingen, het consortium en de resultaten van het project.
    Keywords: migration, sexual violence
  • INHeRE project brochure

    INHeRE project | Published in 2021
    The INHeRE (Inclusive Holistic Care for Migrant Victims of Sexual Violence) project brochure includes information on the project’s objectives, specific aims, consortium and outcomes.
    Keywords: migration, sexual violence
  • VSE Contribution: Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings – Review of EU Rules

    VSE | Published in 2021

    Keywords: human trafficking, victims' rights, VSE
  • Victim Support and Data Protection

    VSE | Published in 2020

    Keywords: data protection, victim services, victims' rights, VSE

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