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Knowledge Database
  • POEMS: National Report Finland

    POEMS | Published in 2015

    Keywords: protection orders
  • POEMS: National Report Estonia

    POEMS | Published in 2015

    Keywords: protection orders
  • POEMS: National Report Denmark

    POEMS | Published in 2015

    Keywords: protection orders
  • POEMS: National Report Czech Republic

    POEMS | Published in 2015

    Keywords: protection orders
  • POEMS: National Report Cyprus

    POEMS | Published in 2015

    Keywords: protection orders
  • POEMS: National Report Bulgaria

    POEMS | Published in 2015

    Keywords: protection orders
  • POEMS: National Report Belgium

    POEMS | Published in 2015

    Keywords: protection orders
  • POEMS: National Report Austria

    POEMS | Published in 2015

    Keywords: protection orders
  • Mapping the legislation and assessing the impact of Protection Orders in the European Member States

    POEMS | Published in 2015
    Many victims of repetitive violence, such as domestic violence or stalking, have an increased need for protection against their offender. One way of safeguarding them is to issue a protection order. Previous research has shown that protection order legislation shows large discrepancies across the EU, but we lack a clear overview of how victim protection is constructed in the different Member States. The POEMS study has tried to address this problem by making an inventory of protection order legislation in 27 Member States. This study furthermore assessed the functioning of these protection orders in practice by means of an explorative victim study in four Member States (Finland, the Netherlands, Italy, and Portugal). The aim was to find best practices and gaps in protection order legislation on a national level. A final goal was to assess how the different approaches on a national level could impact the implementation of the European Protection Order Directive and the Regulation on mutual recognition of protection measures in civil matters.”
    Keywords: protection orders
  • Manual on Joint Hate Crime Training for Police and Prosecutors

    OSCE | Published in 2018
    This manual on joint hate crime training for police and prosecutors was developed as part of a project developed by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) to build a comprehensive criminal justice response to hate crime. The project is co-funded by the European Union and the United States. This publication is intended for use in the Bulgarian context and draws on the long-standing co-operation between ODIHR and the Bulgarian authorities in countering hate crime. This manual sets out the basic principles for conducting joint hate crime training activities for police and prosecutors. It outlines what issues need to be raised and how such training activities are expected to shape police and prosecutors’ understanding of hate crimes. The publication addresses a range of topics, including the concepts of diversity and intolerance; the concept and impact of hate crimes; bias indicators; investigating hate crimes; international obligations and national legislation aimed at countering hate crimes; prosecuting hate crimes; obstacles to investigating and prosecuting hate crimes; and good practices to overcome such obstacles.
    Keywords: guidance, victim services

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