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  • Estimation of girls at risk of female genital mutilation in the European Union: Denmark, Spain, Luxembourg and Austria

    European Institute for Gender Equality | Published in 2021
    The overall objective of this report is to support the European institutions and all EU Member States by providing more accurate qualitative and quantitative information on FGM and its risks among girls, taking into account new patterns of migration. To achieve this, EIGE’s 2018 methodology was applied to four additional Member States: Denmark, Spain, Luxembourg and Austria. This study also examined FGM-related policies and legislation from mid 2017 to mid 2020.
    Keywords: FGM, justice, support, victims' rights
  • Measuring femicide in the EU and internationally: an assessment

    European Institute for Gender Equality | Published in 2021
    This report gives a comprehensive overview of definitions, data collection systems, methodologies and variables in gathering data on femicide. It outlines whether and how diferent global and national actors are moving towards a legal definition of femicide and construction of indicators / measurement framework based on common (agreed) variables to identify femicide. The report provides the broader context for definitions and variables based on an overview of definitions at both international and Member State levels.
    Keywords: discrimination, domestic violence, gender based violence, gender inequality, guidance, justice, sexual violence, victims' rights, violence
  • The Covid-19 pandemic and intimate partner violence against women in the EU

    European Institute for Gender Equality | Published in 2021
    This study offers a preliminary overview of the measures undertaken across the EU to support victims of violence during the Covid-19 outbreak (from March until the end of September 2020), identifies examples of promising practices and provides initial recommendations for the EU and Member States on how to better support victims during the pandemic, as well as in other potential crises.
    Keywords: covid, discrimination, domestic violence, family, gender based violence, gender inequality, support, victimisation, victims' rights, violence
  • European equality law review

    European Commission, European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination (EELN) | Published in 2022
    The biannual European equality law review is produced by the European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination (EELN). The aim of the EELN is to provide the European Commission and the general public with independent information regarding gender equality and non-discrimination law and, more specifically, on the transposition and implementation of the EU equality and non-discrimination directives. This issue provides an overview of legal and policy developments across Europe and, as far as possible, reflects the state of affairs from 1 July to 31 December 2021.
    Keywords: discrimination, gender based violence, gender inequality, guidance, support, victims' rights
  • Methodological manual for the EU survey on gender-based violence against women and other forms of inter-personal violence (EU-GBV)

    EUROSTAT | Published in 2021
    This manual provides the methodology for the EU survey on gender-based violence against women and other forms of inter-personal violence (EU-GBV survey). The manual covers the survey process from design to dissemination. You can find information and guidance on all technical and methodological aspects for conducting the survey: main concepts and definitions; how to prepare the survey; how to process the data; a model questionnaire and description of the variables; list of indicators to be published and recommendations for their dissemination; and guidance for assessing and reporting the survey quality.
    Keywords: gender based violence
  • Union of Equality: Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030

    European Commission | Published in 2021
    The Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030 intends to tackle the diverse challenges that persons with disabilities face. It aims to progress on all areas of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, both at EU and Member State level. The goal is to ensure that persons with disabilities in Europe, regardless of their sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, age or sexual orientation: enjoy their human rights, have equal opportunities, have equal access to participate in society and economy, are able to decide where, how and with whom they live, can move freely in the EU regardless of their support needs, and no longer experience discrimination.
    Keywords: disability, discrimination, guidance, support, victims' rights
  • The Way of Innovation: How innovation served Victim Support Netherlands

    Slachtofferhulp Nederland | Published in 2022
    In this Newsletter, Victim Support Netherlands provides a comprehensive overview of a whole range of new services that have been used to support victims and that have been part of VSN innovation programmes: online services, peer contacts, new services for the victim’s inner circle, enabling them to help their loved ones or client better. Also in the interview, Programme Director, Anatal Perlin and Chair of the Board, Rosa Jansen explain how Victim Support Netherlands will maintain its innovative strength and keep itself innovating, and what role will the Innovation Department at Victim Support play, after the current programmes end.
    Keywords: guidance, support, trauma, victim services, victimisation, VSE
  • Contact with peers helps victims to reinvent themselves

    Slachtofferhulp Nederland, Pien van de Ven | Published in 2022
    Social support is of great importance to victims of crime but exactly how that support works was still unclear. With support from Victim Support the Netherlands (Slachtofferhulp Nederland), Pien van de Ven therefore investigated in the PhD dissertation the role of both support from the social environment and from fellow-sufferers in dealing with a victimization experience.
    Keywords: personality, psychological first aid, support, trauma, victim services, victimisation
  • Human rights impact of counter-terrorism and countering (violent) extremism policies and practices on the rights of women, girls and the family

    OHCHR | Published in 2021
    In the report, the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism addresses the global, regional and national effects of the widespread use of counter-terrorism and preventing and countering (violent) extremism law, policies and practice on the lives of women, girls and the family.
    Keywords: children, discrimination, family, terrorism, victimisation, victims' rights
  • Fundamental Rights Report 2022

    FRA | Published in 2022
    FRA’s Fundamental Rights Report 2022 reviews major developments in the field in 2021, identifying both achievements and areas of concern. It also presents FRA’s opinions on these developments, including a synopsis of the evidence supporting these opinions.
    Keywords: discrimination, justice, victimisation, victims' rights

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