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Knowledge Database
  • Investigating Human Trafficking Cases Using a Victim-centred Approach

    IOM | Published in 2018
    This Trainer’s Manual on Trafficking in Persons for Law Enforcement Officers was created as a result of the project “Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of Criminal Justice Actors in the Caribbean to Counter Trafficking in Persons Using a Victim-centred Approach”, which was funded by the United States Department of State Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons and implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The project aimed to position criminal justice officials in Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago to lead the fight against trafficking in persons (TiP) using a victim-centred approach to: identify victims of trafficking; and investigate, prosecute and adjudicate TiP cases. To ensure sustainability of the project goal and training programmes, this Manual was conceptualized and developed to be incorporated into the different training programmes of relevant stakeholders responsible for providing institutional training to law enforcement agencies. This Trainer’s Manual was therefore designed as a guide to trainers and migration experts on how to deliver a comprehensive, interactive, flexible and practical training on TiP to members of the law enforcement fraternity in, at minimum, the four benefitting countries of the J/TIP project.
    Keywords: human trafficking, victim services
  • Trafficking Publications

    A collection of IOM publications on human trafficking
    Keywords: human trafficking, prevention
  • EU Justice and Home Affairs agencies’ cooperation in 2018

    EIGE | Published in 2018
    This report outlines the main joint activities carried out over 2018 an impressive number of inter-agency activities accomplished over the year some 80 in the field of migration and about 90 in the area of security. The report also identifies opportunities for future inter-agency collaboration, to be taken forward by Europol, which will chair the network in 2019. Throughout 2018, EIGE highlighted the gendernetwork examined the impact of digitalisation in their respective areas of activity, with a specific focus given to the different ways technology is affecting young women and men. The results of this research outline how agencies can help negate risks, ensure security, and foster equality in Europe. The paper can be found in annex to this report.
    Keywords: gender inequality, justice, support
  • Intersecting inequalities: Gender Equality Index

    EIGE | Published in 2019

    Keywords: gender inequality, intersectionality, prevention
  • Maximising opportunities, minimising risks: meeting the digital challenge for girls and boys

    EIGE | Published in 2018
    This paper makes some initial proposals for actions that would enable EU institutions and Member States to harness the possibilities of digitalisation and empower digital citizens of the future.
    Keywords: children, cybercrime, gender inequality
  • Gender equality and youth: opportunities and risks of digitalisation

    EIGE | Published in 2018
    This report is part of EIGE’s work to monitor EU progress towards gender equality in the context of the objectives of the Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA). The findings are enriched with the voices and opinions of youth from across the EU, providing valuable insights on the topic at hand. I would like to thank all the institutions and experts who contributed, particularly the Austrian government, the ETUCE, the European Youth Forum, the general secretariat of the Council of the EU and the European Commission, especially the gender-equality unit at DG Justice and Consumers and our staff. We are confident that this report, its findings and recommendations offer solid and useful evidence to harness the opportunities offered by digitalisation and address the risks facing young women and men in Europe today.
    Keywords: cybercrime, gender inequality, guidance
  • What works in supporting victims of crime: A rapid evidence assessment

    Elaine Wedlock, Jacki Tapley March | Published in 2016
    This report aims to bring together the best available international evidence on what works to support victims of crime in their journey through the criminal justice system and beyond, both for victims who report the crimes committed against them and those who do not.
    Keywords: support
  • Understanding victims of crime: The impact of the crime and support needs

    Victim Support UK | Published in 2017

    Keywords: support, victim services
  • VSE Handbook for Implementation of Legislation and Best Practice for Victims of Crime in Europe

    VSE | Published in 2013
    This document provides practical suggestions how the rights and needs of victims of crime can be met in practice, including implementation of the EU Directive establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime. As such, this document covers legislative requirements but it also portraits established best practice in service delivery to victims and witnesses of crime. Finally, it provides a generic overview of Victim Support Europe’s input into the development, negotiation and implementation of the EU Directive establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime.
    Keywords: guidance, support, victim services, victimisation, VSE

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