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Knowledge Database
  • Child-friendly Justice and Integrated Child Protection Systems – Lessons Learned from EU Projects

    DG Justice | Published in 2018
    This conference on child-friendly justice and integrated child protection systems – lessons learned from EU projects has two objectives: to showcase examples of good practice to inspire others and to take stock of what has been done since 2011/2012 with EU funds under the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC), to help inform future policy and practice.
    Keywords: children, cross-border crime, victims' rights
  • Best Practice Guidelines: Supporting Communities Before, During and After Collective Trauma Events

    Australian Red Cross | Published in 2018
    The aim of these guidelines is to not only inform the work of Australian Red Cross but also to support a range of decision makers, practitioners, policymakers, and leaders striving to support their communities. They have been developed in conjunction with experts in emergency recovery, social work, psychology and sociology, and draw on existing literature from around the world. The value of these guidelines lies in supporting operational planning strategies. They are not exhaustive and are not designed to be used as a standalone operational guide. These guidelines are deliberately broad, in order to assist all organisations to inform their preparedness, response and recovery to collective trauma events and complement the range of materials already available and in use.
    Keywords: support, terrorism
  • Madrid Memorandum on Good Practices for Assistance to Victims of Terrorism Immediately after the Attack and in Criminal Proceedings

    Global Counterterrorism Forum | Published in 2012
    In July 2012, Spain hosted a high-level conference on victims of terrorism under the auspices of the GCTF Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Working Group. At this meeting, member states recognized the need to collaborate on developing a document outlining good practices for assisting terrorism victims. In addition, the Government of Spain circulated a draft document, “Madrid Memorandum on Good Practices for Assistance to Victims of Terrorism Immediately after the Attack and in Criminal Proceedings.” On November 7, 2012, experts from GCTF members met to discuss and refine this document. Consistent with the Cairo Declaration, all States are encouraged to consider using these non-binding good practices, while recognizing that implementation of these practices must be consistent with applicable international law, as well as national law and regulations, taking into account the varied histories, cultures, and legal systems among States.
    Keywords: terrorism, victims' rights
  • Policy Toolkit on The Hague Good Practices on the Nexus between Transnational Organized Crime and Terrorism

    UNICRI | Published in 2019
    As a response to the growing concern of States regarding the nexus between transnational organized crime (TOC) and terrorism (often referred to as simply: the Nexus), the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) has been working in partnership with the Netherlands under the umbrella of the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) Nexus between Transnational Organized Crime and Terrorism Initiative (hereafter: Nexus Initiative), to support the international community on this matter. This Nexus Policy Toolkit marks the culmination of research and consultation, and was designed to further support practitioners, policymakers as well as other governmental experts, to formulate responses and to translate the Good Practices into concrete actions. More specifically, the Toolkit will (a) help States to better understand this evolving phenomenon; and, (b) provide States with guidance on how to respond to the links between organized crime and terrorism. Finally (c) the Toolkit also provides definitions and watch points that facilitate its ‘monitoring’.
    Keywords: organised crime, terrorism
  • Do criminals dream of electric sheep? How technology shapes the future of crime and law enforcement

    Europol | Published in 2019
    This report identifies the profound impact of technological change and disruptive technologies have on the dynamic security environment in the EU. To remain relevant and effective, law enforcement authorities must invest in and seek out new, innovative solutions. They must also embrace organisational change and challenge established business models to access the potential locked within these new technologies.
    Keywords: cross-border crime, cybercrime
  • Illegal content online

    DG Connect | Published in 2018
    To explore Europeans’ experience of illegal content online, and their opinions about the role and responsibility of online platforms, this survey explores the following areas: The use of various types of online hosting services; Views about the safety of the Internet and addressing illegal content online; The types of illegal content encountered online, the actions taken as a result, and satisfaction with the hosting service’s response; Respondents’ experiences of having legal content wrongfully blocked, the reasons given for this and including the actions taken as a result; Opinions about the actions Internet hosting services.
    Keywords: cybercrime
  • How to deal with a natural disaster

    This document is meant for those who have experienced a natural disaster and to all those who might somehow intervene or relate with people affected by it.
    Keywords: disaster
  • Handbook on Children Recruited and Exploited by Terrorist and Violent Extremist Groups: The Role of the Justice System

    UNODC | Published in 2017
    This Handbook was developed with a view to providing coherent and consistent guidance to national authorities on the treatment of children recruited and exploited by terrorist and violent extremist groups, with emphasis on the role of the justice system.
    Keywords: children, terrorism
  • Justice in matters involving child victims and witnesses of crime

    UNODC | Published in 2009
    the Handbook contains 12 chapters, dealing respectively with the best interests of the child, the right to be treated with dignity and compassion, the right to be protected from discrimination, the right to be informed, the right to be heard and to express views and concerns, the right to effective assistance, the right to privacy, the right to be protected from hardship during the justice process, the right to safety, the right to reparation, the right to special preventive measures, and implementation of the Guidelines.
    Keywords: children, victims' rights
  • Human Rights, Terrorism and Counter-terrorism

    This Fact Sheet has been prepared with the aim of strengthening understanding of the complex and multifaceted relationship between human rights and terrorism. It identifies some of the critical human rights issues raised in the context of terrorism and highlights the relevant human rights principles and standards which must be respected at all times and in particular in the context of counter-terrorism.
    Keywords: prevention, terrorism

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