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  • Stop violence: National Action Plan to Combat All Forms of Gender-Based Violence

    Institute for the Equality of Women and Men | Published in 2015
    The battle against gender-based violence constitutes a transversal issue and calls for an integrated approach. Since 2001, Belgium has pursued its policy to combat gender-based violence by means of a national action plan (NAP). This plan is coordinated by the Institute for the Equality of Women and Men. The NAP strives for a coherent and coordinated approach and relies on the close cooperation between the federal government, the communities and the regions to convert this plan into 235 new measures to combat gender-based violence.
    Keywords: domestic violence, gender based violence, gender inequality, guidance, victim services, victims' rights
  • Intimate Partner Violence and the Duluth Model: An Examination of the Model and Recommendations for Future Research and Practice

    Greg Bohall, Mary-Jo Bautista, Sabrina Musson | Published in 2016
    Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a global health concern. Given the complexity of the act of violence coupled with the difficulty of stabilizing the perpetrator and victim, assessment and intervention continue to be substandard. The Duluth Model is the predominant intervention for perpetrators of IPV; however, it continues to be controversial and has received significant criticism due to its narrow scope. The objective of this article is to identify the components of the Duluth Model and compare to the advances in behavioral sciences in order to implement a change in treatment for perpetrators of IPV.
    Keywords: domestic violence, gender based violence, prevention, violence
  • Strengthening Health System Responses to Gender-based Violence in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: A Resource Package

    WAVE | Published in 2014

    Keywords: domestic violence, gender based violence, victim services
  • Talking about Trauma: Guide to Conversations and Screening for Health and Other Service Providers

    Blue Knot Foundation | Published in 2018
    This guide is the second in a series on the topic of Talking about Trauma (the first is addressed to the general public). The series as a whole is intended to build the knowledge and skills of everyone in our community. Whether in a personal or professional capacity, we all need to engage in conversations about trauma. Building our capacity to ‘talk about trauma’ across the board will help create a trauma-informed society and improve our health as individuals and overall. This will also limit any regret related to ‘not knowing’, and not doing all we could to help our fellow citizens receive the support they need to recover. Services of all kinds can play a crucial role in this regard and the following information will assist them to do so.
    Keywords: guidance, support, trauma, victim services
  • Your Guide to the Lisbon Treaty

    European Communities | Published in 2009
    This leaflet explains what the Lisbon Treaty means to you as a citizen.
    Keywords: guidance
  • Basic Concepts and Techniques of Rapid Appraisal

    James Beebe | Published in 1995
    Rapid appraisal is an approach for developing a preliminary, qualitative understanding of a situation. This paper identifies three basic concepts-(1) a system perspective, (2) triangulation of data collection, and (3) iterative data collection and analysis-and suggests that they provide a conceptual foundation for rapid appraisal and a rationale for the selection of specific research techniques. The basic concepts and their related research techniques provide a flexible but rigorous approach for data collection and analysis by a team of two or more individuals, usually with different academic discipline backgrounds. The paper reviews the history of rapid appraisal, provides a definition, discusses the three basic concepts and the illustrative research techniques associated with them, argues for flexibility, and suggests the use of a "Data Collection Checklist" to remind the team of important concepts and as a means by which the reader of a report can estimate the degree of confidence that can be placed in the results.
    Keywords: guidance
  • Crime Victims: International and Serbian Perspective

    OSCE | Published in 2011
    The increased attention toward victims of crimes in past years has motivated many countries to rethink the mechanisms used in many sectors of the society who provide assistance and protection to victims of crime. This book was written in an effort to shed light into what is the situation regarding the victims of crimes in Serbia using international perspective, primarily developments and researches conducted in Sweden.
    Keywords: justice, support, victim services, victims' rights
  • WAVE Statistical Factsheet

    WAVE | Published in 2017
    The 2017 WAVE country report provides statistics related to women’s specialist support services from a total of 46 European countries. For the purposes of this report WAVE is referring to the countries mentioned, with the general term of “European countries”, although we are conscious that these 46 countries do not reflect all European countries. Although some data sets include only part figures for these countries, the actual number of countries reflected in each data sample is indicated in brackets within the tables
    Keywords: domestic violence, gender based violence, victim services, victims' rights
  • Prevention and Support Standards for Women Survivors of Violence: A Handbook for the Implementation of the Istanbul Convention

    WAVE | Published in 2017
    This handbook aims to provide an overview of the key legal developments and practical advances, which the ratification of the Istanbul Convention has made possible. It provides a crucial benchmark of success in the struggle to eliminate violence against women and children in Europe and provides a solid legal framework for the protection and support of women and their children who have experienced abuse. Even though the Istanbul Convention was ratified in 2011, there is still a lack of understanding amongst practitioners working in the violence against women sector, as well as the general public, about its specific remit and the requirements of its implementation. This handbook provides a solid introduction to the framework of the Istanbul Convention and its human rights as well as non-discriminatory angle in Part One. Part Two offers a more in-depth overview of its specific requirements, e.g. the need for adequate government funding for specialist VAWG service provision, key elements of making support services for women affected by violence empowering and explores existing challenges in the collaboration between NGOs and their respective European governments.
    Keywords: capacity building, domestic violence, gender based violence, prevention

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