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  • Victims of Crime Implementation Analysis of Rights in Europe (VOCIARE): Latvia

    ILONA KRONBERGA, ENDIJA LOGINA | Published in 2019
    This study performs comprehensive study of the transposition process of the Victims Directive and results thereof, namely, analyses the victim support system in Latvia from the legal and theoretical perspective, as well as the practical application of legal norms. The study analyses the activities in the area of victim support in Latvia, which started as of 2007 until the end of May 2018. During the development of this report, researchers were able to identify gaps and challenges regarding the transposition and application of the Victims’ Directive. The support system of victims in Latvia, in general, is still assessed as complex and purposefully established system; it is fragmented in terms of both, the legal framework as well as support measures available to victims.
    Keywords: compensation, justice, support, victim services, victimisation, victims' rights
  • Victims of Crime Implementation Analysis of Rights in Europe (VOCIARE): Italy

    MAURO BARDI, GIOVANNI GALVANI | Published in 2019
    Directive 2012/29/EU, commonly known as the Victims’ Directive, establishes minimum rights to all victims of crimes and constitutes the core of the European Union’s legislative package aiming to guarantee that all victims of crimes have access to information, support and protection. Member States were required to transpose the Directive into national legislation but need to guarantee its correct implementation in practice as well. This implementation has proved to be complex and challenging. Hence, the present national report aims to assess the practical implementation of the Victims’ Directive in Italy.
    Keywords: compensation, justice, support, victim services, victimisation, victims' rights
  • Victims of Crime Implementation Analysis of Rights in Europe (VOCIARE): Ireland

    MICHELE PUCKHABER | Published in 2019
    Directive 2012/29/EU (hereinafter, Victims’ Directive) provides minimum rights to all victims of crimes and constitutes the core of the European Union’s legislative package which gives all victims of crimes minimum rights to information, support and protection. Member States were required to transpose the Victims’ Directive into national law by the 16th of November 2016. The present national research report aims to assess the practical implementation of the Victims’ Directive in Ireland. Ireland has transposed the Directive in Ireland via the Criminal Justice (Victims of Crime) Act 2017. After an assessment of that transposing legislation it was possible to detect gaps and challenges in the practical implementation of the Directive in Ireland.
    Keywords: compensation, justice, support, victim services, victimisation, victims' rights
  • Victims of Crime Implementation Analysis of Rights in Europe (VOCIARE): Hungary

    GÁBOR VEISZ | Published in 2019
    This national report aims to give a detailed overview of how Directive 2012/29/EU (the Victims’ Rights Directive) has been implemented in Hungary and how the legal regulations are enforced in practice. The research (comprising of desk research, an online questionnaire completed by 74 professionals, and 4 interviews) scrutinised individual articles of the Directive, and its equivalents in Hungarian legislation, and identified various gaps, challenges and good practices.
    Keywords: compensation, justice, support, victim services, victimisation, victims' rights
  • Victims of Crime Implementation Analysis of Rights in Europe (VOCIARE): Greece

    IRO MICHAEL, European Public Law Organization (EPLO) | Published in 2019
    The present national report consists in an attempt to assess the practical implementation of the Victims’ Directive in Greece. The report was produced in the context of the 2-year EU funded project ‘VOCIARE - Victims of Crime Implementation Analysis of Rights in Europe’. The research methodology included qualitative and quantitative methods and steps, among which the legislation analysis, the mapping of competent authorities/organisations, a desk research, an online survey, and interviews.
    Keywords: compensation, justice, support, victim services, victimisation, victims' rights
  • Victims of Crime Implementation Analysis of Rights in Europe (VOCIARE): Germany

    WEISSER RING E.V. | Published in 2019

    Keywords: compensation, justice, support, victim services, victimisation, victims' rights
  • Victims of Crime Implementation Analysis of Rights in Europe (VOCIARE): France

    This VOCIARE report aims to assess the practical implementation of the Victims’ Directive in France by providing a detailed overview of the situation in this country on this subject. A general observation is needed: this Directive of 2012 did not require many adaptations for France. Indeed, most of the rights enshrined in this Directive already existed in French law. However, the article 22 of the Directive introduces the right for all victims to benefit from an assessment with a view to identifying their “specific protection needs”. This provision represented the greatest novelty for France, which had to bring its domestic law into conformity. This study was made “article by article” and its reveals that French law is already in full compliance with the provisions of the Directive and even guarantees more protective rules for victims.
    Keywords: compensation, justice, support, victim services, victimisation, victims' rights
  • Victims of Crime Implementation Analysis of Rights in Europe (VOCIARE): Finland

    SUSANNA LUNDELL | Published in 2019
    Before the Directive entered into force, the requirements of the Directive were, to a large extent, already covered by the existing Finnish legislation. The Directive was transposed into the national legal framework through the pre-existing legislation and by introducing amendments to ten different acts. Even though the position of crime victims has been relatively strong in Finland before the Directive, the findings of the present study suggest that the amendments to the national legislation as well as measures adopted to put the requirements of the Directive into practice have strengthened victims’ position and promoted fulfilment of victims’ rights in criminal proceedings. Nevertheless, this study also detected shortcomings that need to be addressed to ensure that victims of crimes can fully exercise their rights provided for by the Directive.
    Keywords: compensation, justice, support, victim services, victimisation, victims' rights
  • Victims of Crime Implementation Analysis of Rights in Europe (VOCIARE): Estonia

    The present national report aims at assessing the practical implementation of the Victims’ Directive in Estonia in the context of project VOCIARE - Victims of Crime Implementation Analysis of Rights in Europe. The project’s research team used a range of approaches to get an overview of the situation in Estonia in the field of protecting victims’ rights. To support the work presented in this report, three research tools were used in order to obtain the desired information: a desk research, an online survey, and interviews.
    Keywords: compensation, justice, support, victim services, victimisation, victims' rights
  • Victims of Crime Implementation Analysis of Rights in Europe (VOCIARE): Czech Republic

    ŠÁRKA DUŠKOVÁ, MAROŠ MATIAŠKO | Published in 2019
    The EU Victims' Directive (Directive no. 2012/29/EU, hereinafter also “the Directive”) establishes a common European standard of minimum rights of victims of crimes in member states. Considering the outstandingly different levels and systems of protection in the member states prior to its implementation, its aim of ensuring a comparable level of practical enjoyment of the rights of victims is particularly challenging. It is clear that legislative implementation must be accompanied by a number of policy, budgetary and methodical measures, and therefore the full implementation of the Directive may be a rather long process. The aim of the present research is to assess all these levels of implementation.
    Keywords: compensation, justice, support, victim services, victimisation, victims' rights

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