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  • Guidelines for Transposition: The EU Directive on Victims’ Rights (2012/29/EU) and homophobic and transphobic crime victims

    ILGA Europe | Published in 2014
    Ahead of the publication of the Commission’s proposition for a Directive (May 2011) and until the end of the negotiation process (October 2012), ILGA-Europe and its national LGBTI organisations have advocated for the inclusion of several important provisions in EU legislation. These advocacy objectives included the clarification of the concept of ‘vulnerable victims’ (now ‘victims with specific protection needs’) to include victims of bias crimes, in conformity with different international commitments made by EU Member States. Our objectives also included the development of higher EU policy standards in relation to data collection, support to victims and training of law enforcement officers, prosecutors and judges, with a special attention for the contribution of civil society organisations. The Commission’s proposal included some of these points, which were later reinforced by the European Parliament’s negotiation position. This document provides explanations on the different areas where the Directive brings useful legal change.
    Keywords: guidance, hate crime, justice, LGBTQ, victimisation, victims' rights
  • Good Practices Related to LGBTI Asylum Applicants

    ILGA Europe | Published in 2014

    Keywords: hate crime, humanitarian, LGBTQ, migration
  • Countering Underreporting and Supporting Victims of anti-LGBT Hate Crime

    Come Forward | Published in 2018
    This report presents 41 good practices on combating underreporting and supporting victims of anti-LGBT hate crime that were selected from nine European countries participating in the project “Come Forward”. As one of the project activities, partner organizations have conducted a research on the existing systems for reporting anti-LGBT hate crime and victim support services. One of the goals of the research was to identify good practices on combating underreporting and supporting victims of anti-LGBT hate crime in Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Spain and United Kingdom. This report presents the result of the efforts to identify good practices and, with that, provide useful suggestions on how to further improve the capacities of official authorities and NGOs for tackling anti-LGBT crime
    Keywords: discrimination, hate crime, LGBTQ, support, victimisation, victims' rights, violence
  • ILGA-Europe’s key demands to combat manifestations of homophobic and transphobic intolerance and prejudice in Europe

    ILGA-Europe's vision is of a world freed from any form of discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression; a world where the human rights of all are respected and everyone can live in equality and freedom. ILGA-Europe considers it of the responsibility of public authorities to adopt comprehensive strategies to combat prejudice, to promote dialogue, education and mutual respect to achieve full inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people in a society free from intolerance.
    Keywords: bullying, discrimination, hate crime, LGBTQ, prevention, victimisation
  • Victim Support Europe Annual Report 2018

    VSE | Published in 2018
    In 2018, VSE was active in various ways: addressing politicians and decision-makers; commenting on legislative proposals; conducting nation-wide research projects; ensuring media attention and getting noticed through campaigns; creating informational and educational materials; and training various partners. A major accomplishment has been an EU-wide project, VOCIARE, on the practical implementation of the Victims’ Directive, which has produced 26 reports on victims’ access to rights in EU member states.
    Keywords: victim services, victimisation, victims' rights
  • Implementing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in the OSCE Region

    OSCE | Published in 2020
    The study at hand shows that much work and effort has been put into designing better and more effective national action plans (NAPs) to implement the UNSCR 1325 across the OSCE region. Examination of the NAPs indicates that women’s participation in peace and security governance processes and institutions remains to be a priority area for OSCE participating States. In recent years more attention has also been given to conflict prevention, as well as on preventing and countering terrorism and violent extremism. The study also provides some insights on how various gender equality and security strategies and action plans can be synchronized and co-ordinated in order to avoid duplications, overlaps, and contradictions.
    Keywords: domestic violence, gender based violence, gender inequality, prevention, support
  • A Whole-of-Society Approach to Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism and Radicalization That Lead to Terrorism

    OSCE | Published in 2019
    The guidebook reflects an explicit regional focus on the countries of Central Asia. Challenges unique to the region and examples of emerging good practice in these countries are highlighted. Terrorist activity in today’s world is complex, multifaceted, and not confined to national borders. Terrorist groups are less cohesive, and the threat they pose is harder to understand and predict. We are witnessing not only directed attacks in the OSCE area, but also self-inspired acts of violence. Some terrorist actors are foreign fighters; others have never left their communities. The goals, motives, and justification for the violence have changed as well, and the causes and drivers of violent extremism are multifaceted. This reality requires a comprehensive, nuanced, and internationally coordinated response. The OSCE participating States have been unequivocal not only in their condemnation of terrorism and violent extremism, but also in their support of a multidimensional approach that focuses on the prevention of radicalization and of violent extremism that leads to terrorism (VERLT).
    Keywords: prevention, terrorism, violence
  • Well-being and Safety of Women: Ukraine Results Report

    OSCE | Published in 2019
    This report presents the findings from the OSCE’s qualitative and quantitative study in Ukraine on violence against women. The study was implemented in spring/summer 2018 and involved: fifteen key expert interviews; a survey of a representative sample of 2,048 women aged 18-74 living in Ukraine to establish the prevalence and consequences of violence; eight focus groups with women from various backgrounds on their attitudes towards VAW; four in-depth interviews with survivors of VAW in order to understand, in more detail, the impact the violence they experienced had on them.
    Keywords: domestic violence, gender based violence, gender inequality, victimisation, violence
  • Combating Trafficking in Human Beings: New Challenges and New Opportunities

    OSCE | Published in 2019
    This Biennial Report aims to foster an increased awareness and understanding of human trafficking itself, as well as of some of the challenges and opportunities currently facing the anti-trafficking community. Following an outcome-focused approach, it delineates why and how we do our work, and demonstrates that in the past two years, we have carefully targeted our actions to maximize resources and impact on the ground. My Office has endorsed and promoted a policy-to-practice methodology wherein we respond to a human trafficking issue by researching the nature of the challenge, recommending effective policy responses, and then supporting implementation of that policy into practice on the ground. We also engage with practitioners in the field, re-incorporating their experiences and needs into future policy development, so that practice also informs policy.
    Keywords: cross-border crime, human trafficking, justice, victimisation
  • Following the Money: Compendium of Resources and Step-by-Step Guide to Financial Investigations Related to Trafficking in Human Beings

    OSCE | Published in 2019
    Given that the central motivating factor for trafficking in human beings (THB) is financial gain and that it is particularly profitable for criminal actors, enhancing States’ capacities in the area of financial investigations has received increasing focus in recent years. Several initiatives to develop innovative partnerships create lists of indicators, and train relevant practitioners have launched. However, these efforts largely remain fragmented, under-utilized or restricted to individual jurisdictions; in short, the promise of robust financial investigations as a tool to combat THB remains unrealized. Since its establishment in 2003, the Office of the OSCE Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings (OSR/CTHB) has worked to support action amongst OSCE participating States (pS) and provide policy guidance on how to prevent and tackle THB. In light of the challenges outlined above, with this publication the OSR/CTHB seeks to advance financial investigations in two ways. First, we catalogue more than 20 disparate publications in a single resource and synthesize hundreds of indicators culled from the different documents into a single comprehensive list of indicators broken down into categories. The compendium of resources can, with a single document, give practitioners guidance on what has been published on this topic and where to go for more guidance. It also ensures that all of various indicators published in dozens of documents around the world can be found in one place.
    Keywords: cross-border crime, human trafficking, justice

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