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Knowledge Database
  • Handbook on European data protection law

    FRA, CoE, EDPS | Published in 2018
    This handbook outlines the legal standards relating to data protection set by the European Union (EU) and the Council of Europe (CoE). It is designed to assist practitioners not specialised in the field of data protection, including lawyers, judges and other legal practitioners, as well as individuals working for other bodies, such as non-governmental organisations (NGOs), who may be confronted with legal questions relating to data protection.
    Keywords: data protection
  • Your Rights Matter: Data Protection and Privacy

    FRA | Published in 2020
    The Fundamental Rights Survey provides, for the first time, a comprehensive set of comparable data on people’s experiences and opinions concerning their fundamental rights. The survey focuses on everyday situations in areas including data protection, equal treatment, access to justice, consumer rights, crime victimisation, good administration and the importance of protecting rights.
    Keywords: data protection, victims' rights
  • Getting the Future Right: Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Rights

    FRA | Published in 2020
    This report presents concrete examples of how companies and public administrations in the EU are using, or trying to use, AI. It discusses the potential implications for fundamental rights and shows whether and how those using AI are taking rights into account. FRA interviewed just over a hundred public administration officials, private company staff, as well as diverse experts – including from supervisory and oversight authorities, non-governmental organisations and lawyers – who variously work in the AI field. Based on these interviews, the report analyses how fundamental rights are taken into consideration when using or developing AI applications. It focuses on four core areas – social benefits, predictive policing, health services and targeted advertising. The AI uses differ in terms of how complex they are, how much automation is involved, their potential impact on people, and how widely they are being applied. The findings underscore that a lot of work lies ahead – for everyone.
    Keywords: data protection, victims' rights
  • Flowcharts and Checklists on Data Protection

    EDPS | Published in 2020

    Keywords: data protection
  • Data Protection: a guide for charities and non-governmental organisations

    Thomson Reuters Foundation | Published in 2018
    This guide provides charities and NGOs with an introduction to the data protection rules that govern the way they collect and use personal data.
    Keywords: data protection
  • Civil Society Organizations and General Data Protection Regulation Compliance

    Open Society Foundations | Published in 2020
    This report aims to provide practical guidance to NGOs on issues that they have struggled with: not by producing yet another GDPR checklist or “compliance tool,” but by thinking through the compliance issues that may be unique to civil society organizations engaged in social justice and human rights activism.
    Keywords: data protection
  • Fundamental rights in AI: What to consider

    FRA | Published in 2020

    Keywords: data protection, victims' rights
  • EDPS – Annual report 2019

    EDPS | Published in 2020

    Keywords: data protection, victims' rights
  • The EDPS quick-guide to necessity and proportionality

    EDPS | Published in 2020
    Processing of personal data - be it collection, storage, use or disclosure - constitutes a limitation on the right to the protection of personal data and must comply with EU law. This requires ensuring that it is both necessary and proportional. The 8 steps outlined in this document will help you assess the compatibility of measures impacting the fundamental rights to privacy and to the protection of personal data with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
    Keywords: data protection, victims' rights
  • The GDPR for EU institutions: your rights in the digital era

    EDPS | Published in 2019
    This factsheet is issued by the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) - an independent EU authority established in 2004 to monitor the processing of personal data by EU institutions and bodies; give advice on data protection legislation; and cooperate with similar authorities to ensure consistent data protection.
    Keywords: data protection, victims' rights

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