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Knowledge Database
  • ROAR Policy Paper: challenges in the field of cybercrime and recommendations to overcome them

    APAV | Published in 2021
    This paper intends to explore the challenges faced by all relevant stakeholders in the combat of cybercrime at the European level, followed by the Portuguese, Romanian and German scenario, and, lastly, sheds light upon promising measures that can have a positive impact in achieving higher degree of cybersecurity and finally overcome the identified challenges.
    Keywords: cybercrime, prevention, support, victimisation
  • Restorative approaches and gendered violence: Moving beyond is it possible?

    Verona Singer | Published in 2019
    This discussion paper outlines some of the promising programs and practices gleaned from the literature that use a restorative approach to respond to intimate partner violence and sexual violence. It is hoped this document will be a useful resource guide for women-serving and restorative justice agencies who are exploring the possibility of developing a restorative approach for gendered violence. This discussion paper evolved from conversations that have been ongoing in Halifax, Nova Scotia for the past several years. The conversations began when a small group of feminist activists started talking about whether restorative approaches could be used to respond to intimate partner violence. Eventually the group broadened to include sexual violence and restorative justice agencies. The conversations delved more deeply and reflectively into the principles of restorative approaches. Missing from the conversations, however, were examples of restorative programs that have been used in gendered violence. Funding was secured from the federal Department of Justice Policy Centre on Victims Issues to conduct a literature review to find out what programs there are around the world where restorative approaches are documented and used for gendered violence.
    Keywords: gender based violence, justice, restorative justice, victimisation, victims' rights
  • ProVictims Report: The role of the public prosecution in the promotion of victims’ rights

    APAV | Published in 2021
    The main objective of the PRO VICTIMS project was to demystify the roles that actors in criminal proceedings play in guaranteeing the protection of victims' rights.During the research developed in the report, it was found that the effectiveness of the victims' rights depends on a delicate balance between the representation of the State and its interests as well as the fundamental rights and guarantees of the accused, a result that is not always easily achieved. That is why the victim support services play an essential role in this articulation, as they ensure the commitment to their rights as well as guarantee an exchange of synergy between the other agents of the criminal services. This report written by Catarina Abegão Alves and Sónia Moreira Reis with the support of João Gouveia de Caires, is a unique contribution in terms of academic research, with fundamental and practical recommendations that can help build a better protection system for victims of crime.
    Keywords: justice, victim services, victimisation, victims' rights
  • Navigating Irregularity: The Impact of Growing Up Undocumented in Europe

    PICUM | Published in 2021
    Undocumented children are part of our communities and share the hopes and dreams of any other children. Yet, due to their irregular residence status, their lives and the lives of their families are characterized by uncertainty and instability across many different areas. This paper focusses on six areas impacted by their irregular residence status: housing, access to services, income and socio-economic status, residence procedures ad immigration enforcement (including detention), school life, and family life. These are the areas in which children are either most invisible, or the areas central to children’s lives.
  • ROAR Manual – From understanding and preventing cybercrime to supporting and empowering victims

    APAV | Published in 2021
    Aiming to protect, empower and care for victims of electronic crime, the ROAR project was developed by APAV in partnership with institutions from two other European countries, namely the German WEISSER RING and the Romanian ACTEDO, in addition to the national partners, PT Portugal, the Attorney General of the Republic (PGR) and the National Republican Guard (GNR). This project was funded by the European Union’s Internal Security Fund – Police. During the project execution, thematic workshops were held for security forces and judicial authorities, with the purpose of drawing attention to the problem of cybercrime and the need to also protect the victims of these crimes. In order to empower and raise awareness of potential victims of cybercrime, the pedagogical aspect of the project carried out training actions for children and young people, distributing informative materials. The result of all these actions culminated in the elaboration of a manual of procedures to be adopted in case of assistance to victims of cybercrime, in addition to a set of recommendations to help clarify eventual issues and facilitate the fieldwork.
    Keywords: cybercrime, support, victimisation
  • Victims’ Rights and the Public Prosecution Service: 10 questions and answers

    Irish Council for Civil Liberties | Published in 2020

    Keywords: justice, victims' rights
  • Disability Hate Crime

    Keywords: disability, hate crime
  • Victims with mild intellectual disabilities in the criminal justice system

    Nienke A. Spaan and Hendrien L. Kaal | Published in 2018
    People with mild intellectual disabilities are more vulnerable to become victims of crime. Victims with intellectual disabilities can face attitudinal, procedural and practical barriers within the justice system. This exploratory study looked at obstacles encountered by victims of crime with mild intellectual disabilities in effectuating their rights, their vulnerability to secondary victimization and ways to support them. In 2014, 35 respondents from across the Dutch justice system and 10 respondents with mild intellectual disabilities-expertise were interviewed. Inductive and deductive content analysis was carried out. Resonance of findings was checked in an expert meeting.
    Keywords: disability
  • Law enforcement’s response to crime reporting by victims with disabilities

    Mary Oschwald, Mary Ann Curry, Rosemary B. Hughes, Anne Arthur and Laurie E. Powers | Published in 2011

    Keywords: disability
  • Communicating with Individuals with Disabilities – Policies and Training for Law Enforcement Personnel

    Keith M. Cristensen and Jill Bezyak | Published in 2017
    Policies and Training for Law Enforcement Personnel
    Keywords: disability

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