Knowledge Database – May 2021 Update

This is a monthly update from our Knowledge Database editor Sasha Boychenko. If you would like to submit publications to the Database, please reach out at

This month, our Knowledge Database features many publications, including latest reports from FRA (The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights), submissions from our member APAV, an academic article by VSE’s ex-intern, and more. Let us take a closer look at the latest additions to Victim Support Europe’s database.

APAV –  Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vítima, the Portuguese Association for Victim Support, has submitted various publications to the Knowledge Database. Specifically, you can now access publications from the following projects: ROAR and ProVictims.

The main objective of the ProVictims project was to demystify the roles that actors in criminal proceedings play in guaranteeing the protection of victims’ rights. During the research developed in the report, it was found that the effectiveness of the victims’ rights depends on a delicate balance between the representation of the State and its interests as well as the fundamental rights and guarantees of the accused, a result that is not always easily achieved. That is why the victim support services play an essential role in this articulation, as they ensure the commitment to their rights as well as guarantee an exchange of synergy between the other agents of the criminal services. You can find the full report here. Furthermore, The brochure on Victims’ rights and the public prosecution service – 10 questions and answers highlighted the crucial role prosecutors play in making rights effective and accessible for victims of crime.

Aiming to protect, empower and care for victims of electronic crime, the ROAR project was developed by APAV in partnership with institutions from two other European countries, namely the German WEISSER RING and the Romanian ACTEDO, in addition to the national partners, PT Portugal, the Attorney General of the Republic (PGR) and the National Republican Guard (GNR). During the project execution, thematic workshops were held for security forces and judicial authorities, with the purpose of drawing attention to the problem of cybercrime and the need to also protect the victims of these crimes. In order to empower and raise awareness of potential victims of cybercrime, the pedagogical aspect of the project carried out training actions for children and young people, distributing informative materials. The result of all these actions culminated in the elaboration of a manual of procedures to be adopted in case of assistance to victims of cybercrime, in addition to a set of recommendations to help clarify eventual issues and facilitate the fieldwork.  

We are also proud to present an article titled “The Istanbul Convention’s Evidentiary Requirements in the Light of Laws on Self-Defence and Mitigating Criminal Responsibility” by an ex-VSE intern, Alexandra Molitorisová, in collaboration with Ciarán Burke.

Further, you can also read FRA’s latest reports on presumption of innocence and police stops in the European Union.

Finally, we are excited to share with you PICUM’s latest report titled “Navigating Irregularity: The Impact of Growing Up Undocumented in Europe”. Undocumented children are part of our communities and share the hopes and dreams of any other children. Yet, due to their irregular residence status, their lives and the lives of their families are characterized by uncertainty and instability across many different areas. This paper focusses on six areas impacted by their irregular residence status: housing, access to services, income and socio-economic status, residence procedures ad immigration enforcement (including detention), school life, and family life. These are the areas in which children are either most invisible, or the areas central to children’s lives. You may read the full report here.

We hope you enjoyed this month’s Knowledge Database Update and are excited to check out these and other publications on our database. As always, if you would like to submit your organisation’s publications to the Database, please reach out at

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