Invitation to workshop ‘Implementing the 116 006 Helpline for Victims of Crime’

Dear all,

Victim Support Europe (VSE) is pleased to invite you to a workshop on ‘Implementing the 116 006 Helpline for Victims of Crime’ held in Brussels, Belgium on 20-21 June 2022.

Since 30 November 2009, 116 006 has been the dedicated helpline for victims of crime throughout the EU. Since then, this key service has become available to victims across 13 EU Member States1, where a range of organisations, all of them VSE members, have been working hard to provide this basic service to all victims who request it – in a confidential and sensitive manner.

However, more than a decade since the number was reserved, still more than half of all EU countries do not have this fundamental service that would be available to all victims of all crimes.

The European Union has committed to implement the helpline across its entire territory. The EU Commissioner for Justice and Consumers, Didier Reynders, stated that all victims should be able to benefit fully from victim support and invited all EU Member States to set up the 116 006 helpline.

We believe that it is essential to establish the 116 006 helpline in all EU Member States and to keep them running for the benefit of all European victims. Member States must ensure that long term funding is available for the setting up and running of the helplines. Developing and exchanging best practices, ensuring funding, and minimising bureaucratic burdens are some of the many ways to implement the obligation to set up and run the 116 006 helplines.  A single number that would be in use across the EU would give all victims, wherever the crime takes place or where the victim finds themselves, at least some basic support. Through this helpline, victims can have access to information and emotional support, can potentially receive referral to other services and can, in general, feel like they are not alone.

Our members who operate the helpline from across the 13 implementing countries have generously offered to share their experience and expertise with countries where there currently is no such helpline. To this end, we intend to organise a 116 006 workshop on 20-21 June 2022 at Le Plaza Hotel in Brussels.

During this workshop, you will hear from our members what it takes to set up the service, what it takes to maintain it and how to overcome challenges. The workshop will dive deeper into how countries can introduce this vital service to benefit all victims of crime.

We will also explore together how to ensure funding and sustainability for the service and how to think strategically to set up 116 006 and how to make happen this and other types of victim support services across the EU Member States. Additionally, we will engage with representatives of the EU who might help us identify potential sources of funding or advocacy tools to get the service in place in the remaining Member States.

If you want to be a part of the change in your country and work towards making this important service a reality, please consider joining us.

VSE will cover the cost of a limited number of participants from the EU Member States that still don’t have the helpline. To reserve your place at the table and register your participation, please fill in this form. Please make sure to register by Sunday 5 June 2022 at 23:59 CET, after which time registration will be closed. Please note that registration is mandatory, as it will allow us to reserve your place in the workshop and reimburse your travel costs. The number of places is limited and they will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. We shall confirm registrations on a rolling basis.

For more information do not hesitate to contact us at i.lokerse@victimsupporteurope and a.ivankovic@victimsupporteurope.

We look forward to your participation in the rich discussions and broad exchanges that will take place.

The EU countries that currently have the 116 006 helpline are: Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Netherlands, Portugal and Sweden.

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