Invitation to Members to Join the Working Group on VSE Strategy 2021-2025

Dear VSE Members,

As you will know, a 5-year strategy has been guiding our work since 2016. This is the fifth year of that document. In the past five years we have grown and developed as organisation and this moment is the time to look into our future and discuss our strategy for the next five-year period.

There would be no Victim Support Europe without you – our members. Thus, any strategy that will lead us in the next five years needs to reflect you, your goals and values and your expectations from us. We count on you to work with us to develop our 2021-2025 strategy.

This will be done through several points of engagement.

We want to set up a working group of between 5 and 8 members appointed by member organisations (who do not have to be employed by you, but can be persons you trust will be able to contribute to our work – your board members, volunteers, experts you cooperate with etc.). The working group will be consulted several times by e-mail and asked to revise drafts and give their opinion, and might also be asked to participate in two to three online meetings between June and October 2020.

Depending on consultations with the working group, we will also engage with the entirety of our membership through surveys or with individual members by consulting them on specific points, by e-mail or through a phone call.

We will share future improved drafts with all of you as we advance in the process and we’ll appreciate your contributions towards the final strategy. Remember – there is no opinion too small or contribution that is irrelevant. We wish to hear from all of you.

We invite you to nominate candidates for working group by Monday, 22 June by writing an e-mail to our Deputy Director, Aleksandra Ivankovic ( with their name, status in your organisation, and contact details and we will be in touch with them directly before the end of the month.

Candidates for the working group may be your staff members, volunteers, members of your board, or external experts for who you trust could contribute to our strategy. We will be happy to see diversity of backgrounds and expertise in creating of our guidance document.


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