Invitation to LEAP Annual Conference | (Re)imagining justice: a new era for fair trials?

We are happy to extend this invitation to participate in the 2022 LEAP Annual Conference – (Re)imagining justice: a new era for fair trials? – taking place online every afternoon between 14-18 March.

Currently, policing powers are expanding unchecked across Europe as states rely increasingly on the deprivation of liberty as a response to societal harms. However, criminal justice systems are themselves a source of harm for marginalised communities, and they do not keep society safe. Therefore, we need to rethink the function and application of our criminal justice systems.

The 2022 LEAP annual conference will focus on the future of fair trials in Europe, examining the fundamental flaws in our current systems and what we can do to rectify them.

A civil society roundtable will be held on Thursday 17 March, you can share your ideas and experiences through discussions on criminalisation and the prison system. Other panels will include the overuse of detention as a response to societal harms and the unchecked expansion of policing powers. LEAP welcomes your attendance and invite you to share your concerns and viewpoints.

All sessions will be interactive so that as many people as possible can be involved. The event is free to join and open to everyone.

The Legal Experts Advisory Panel (LEAP) is a network of fair trial defenders, coordinated by Fair Trials. The network brings together lawyers, academics, civil society representatives, activists, and people with lived experience of the criminal justice system. LEAP works to uphold human rights, fairness, and justice in criminal justice systems across Europe, focusing on both the operation of these systems and the theories and issues that drive them.

To find more information about the conference’s programme and how to register, please use the link here.

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