INVITATION: Targeted reach out meeting on Justice, Anti-corruption and Public Procurement

Dear VSE Members,

On behalf of the Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM), Unit B.2 “Governance and Public Administration”, you are kindly invited to join us for an online event dedicated to the submission of technical support requests for the year of 2023 in the field of Justice, Anti-corruption and Public Procurement.

The event, which will take place online on 24 June 2022 at 10:30 – 12:00 CET, is organised for the Member States’ authorities responsible for policy making and reforms in these three areas and aims at presenting the Technical Support Instrument (TSI) and the submission process as well as discussing with the participants the quality and the relevance of potential technical support requests for the next year.

The thematic session will be structured as follows:

·       Short presentation of DG REFORM’s support on Justice, Anti-corruption and Public Procurement

·     Guidance on the submission process and explanation of the criteria of selectionaccording to the TSI Regulation

·     Presentation of the TSI 2023 flagship project on Professionalization of Public Procurement Personnel

·       Discussion about potential multi-country (multi-region) projects

During the meeting, the Member States will also have an opportunity to bring up ideas and raise any questions related to the submission of the TSI requests in the aforementioned policy areas.

Targeted reach out meeting on Justice, Anti-corruption and Public Procurement24 June 2022, at 10:30 – 12:00 CET. Link to the meeting: Join meeting.

The submission request forms (concerning both the regular technical support request and the flagship technical support project request) will soon be available on the dedicated webpage, accessible via the following link:!VnThmV

For any further questions or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Unit B.2 at the following email address:

Please note that the event will be recorded.

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