International Conference – When children encounter death and violence …

The Criminal Police Union (BDK) and the Thomas Morus Akademie in Bensberg are organising an international conference, titled ‘When children encounter death and violence…  Lived experience, victim support, ways to support and help’ from 30 October until 1 November 2021 in Bensberg, Germany.

Worldwide children are confronted with violence, dying and death, when parents, relatives or friends get hurt or are killed. This may have a lifelong impact on children and their wellbeing, sometimes even into a next generation. Sexual violence can also cause a lifelong impact and may have traumatic consequences.

Supporting children and young people after a sudden death, severe injury or sexual violence poses huge challenges to parents and relatives, police, ambulance and victim support services. Staff in kindergartens, schools, hospitals and in bereavement counselling are therefore looking for guidance on how to deal with children in mourning processes or after experiences of violence.

At this international conference, lived experience, case experience and scientific evidence will be presented and best practices shared. It is aimed at professionals in the field of psychosocial emergency care and victim support services, but also professionals from schools, kindergartens and police. Please, find the full conference programme here.

The event will take place at the Kardinal Schulte Haus, where the Thomas Morus Academy resides in Bensberg, a beautiful location near Cologne.

You can register for the conference following this link.

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