Have your say! European Commission launches feedback consultation for proposal on combating VAW/DV

Dear members,

On 8 March 2022 (International Women’s Day), the European Commission published a legislative proposal on Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (VAW/DV). This legislative proposal proposes the criminalisation of certain forms of VAW (such as rape based on lack of consent, cyber stalking and harassment, cyber incitement to violence or hatred) and sets standards for measures of prevention, protection, support, access to justice and compensation for victims (see VSE press release). 

feedback consultation has recently been launched by the Commission – open until 18 May -, to provide feedback on the proposal. While we are aware that many of you will be involved in the discussions around the Victims’ Rights Directive already, we encourage you to provide feedback and share your views with us if you have the time. When adopted, this Directive will have an important impact on the Member States’ obligations regarding the provision of protection and support to victims of VAW/DV, consequently impacting your work.

To facilitate exchange of views and discussions, a Working Group has been open on the VSE Hub (‘Working group – Violence against Women and Domestic Violence’), where more information about the proposal, an initial analysis of its content and topics of discussion will be posted. Later this year, the proposal will be shared with the European Parliament and the Council of the EU, opening a period of negotiations on the text. In the next months and as VSE develops its advocacy priorities and strategy for the negotiations, the Hub’s Working Group will be used for further consultation and collect of additional feedback, data and information to that end.

If you have any question, suggestion or comment, please contact Solène Baudouin, Policy Assistant at s.baudouin-naneix@victimsupporteurope.eu.

We are looking forward to hearing back from you!

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