Geraldine Hanna and Carmen Rasquete are nominated for the open board positions | VSE AGM 2021

Dear VSE Members,

As you know, the next Annual General Meeting will take place online on 26th May 2021 from 13:00 to 17:00 Brussels time.

Each year, VSE members participate in a democratic process to elect the Board. This year, full members will once again vote to elect: President, 2 Vice Presidents, Treasurer and 2 positions for Board members. We invite members to consider nominations for these positions. 

So far, we have received the nominations for the President and the Treasurer. 

Geraldine Hanna has been nominated for the position of President. 

Geraldine Hanna has been the Chief Executive of Victim Support NI since 2015. Victim Support NI is the lead charity providing support to victims and witnesses of all types of crime across Northern Ireland.Geraldine has over 20 years’ experience in the victims’ sector and been the driving force in establishing Victim Support NI’s Witness Service in all criminal courts across Northern Ireland and introducing the role of Independent Sexual Violence Advocates to the region. She has been integral in the development of key initiatives to improve services for victims and witnesses of crime including the Victim and Witness Charters, Achievement of Best Practice Guidance and the introduction of Registered Intermediaries and Sexual Offence Legal Advisers. She is passionate about the rights of victims and witnesses and believes that Northern Ireland has the opportunity to be the leading light for best practice in this field. Geraldine has presented widely on the impact of crime and the criminal justice system on victims and has been a member of advisory panels to numerous reviews of the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland, including the Gillen review of sexual violence and current Hate Crime Review led by HHJ Marrinan.

Carmen Rasquete has been nominated for the position of Treasurer.

Carmen Rasquete is secretary general to the Portuguese Association for Victim Support (APAV) since 2013. As a result of her position, Carmen is responsible for APAV’s administration and management, from strategic planning to establishing protocols with relevant stakeholders, and including management tasks such as human resources management, financial coordination and monitoring of the whole organisation’s activities. Considering her leading position within APAV, Carmen is involved in the association’s policy planning and lobby and the relevant negotiations, as well as in the quality standards monitoring of the victim support services provided. APAV not only provides free of charge and confidential general and specialized quality services to victims of all crimes, it is also an active advocate for victims’ rights. Therefore, she has an extensive knowledge of the criminal justice system through a victim support perspective. An outstanding leader and manager and a talented communicator, Carmen represents APAV at every level of its public presence. Carmen has been in APAV since 2000, first as a volunteer victim support worker and then as advisor and international liaison officer from 2006 up to 2012. Carmen holds a Bachelor degree in Sociology and a post-graduate course in Economics and Public Policies – Sustainability and Social Inclusion. She is proficient in English and has a working knowledge of Spanish.

Please note all members of VSE are welcome to attend the AGM, however, only full members are eligible to vote.  

The Annual General Meeting will take place virtually on our VSE hub! Prior to the meeting you will receive an invitation link to register to the VSE hub.

To be able to participate in the meeting we kindly ask you to register at the following link: 

The link to the meeting will be shared with you in a separate e-mail prior to the meeting. 
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.   

We hope to see you all very soon.

Kind regards,
VSE Team  

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