France Victimes shares report on how to support victims in legal proceedings for terrorist attacks

France Victimes prepared an extraordinary document, titled ‘SUPPORTING VICTIMS IN LEGAL PROCEEDINGS FOR TERRORIST ATTACKS’.

This document provides information, lessons learned and best practices about the way the French victims’ associations support victims of terrorism during the trials of the perpetrators, preparing them beforehand and accompanying them during the trials.

In particular, France Victimes identifies the lessons learned from the trial of the January 2015 attacks, such as the impact that recording the hearings can have on the attitude of professionals and witnesses. The trial was also over-publicised, which may have put additional pressure on the victims taking part in the proceedings.

Learning from these conclusions, France Victimes describes its approach for the upcoming trial of the November 2015 attacks. They present a detailed explanation of their preparations, focusing on:

  • organisation of the hearings
  • division and structure of courtrooms
  • internet-radio
  • legal expenses
  • accompaniment of the civil parties
  • victims’ lawyers

To access the report, please click here.

This is a great opportunity to learn from their experience – thank you France Victimes for sharing this!

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