Fondation Lenval organises event in EUCVT hub on acute response protocols after a terrorist attack

A very interesting event is coming up in the EUCVT Hub this Friday, organised by Fondation Lenval and focused on acute response protocols following a terrorist attack!

In a globalized world, terror attacks happening in one country are most likely to affect foreign people. In this webinar, experts speakers from Spain, Netherlands, Norway, France and the UK will provide information on emergency protocols after a terror attack in their respective countries (theoretical perspective) as well as focus on good practices and challenges faced in the acute phase following past terrorist attacks (practical perspectives).

The overall objective is to show how aligned are the protocols in different countries, and what are the challenges to face to ensure international coordination and help for foreign victims.

The webinar will take place on Friday 16 July at 10:00 CEST.

This webinar will be followed by an international expert panel on Friday 16 July, 14:00 – 17:00 CEST, aimed at developing recommendations for psychosocial support to first responders and victims of terrorist attacks in the acute phase. Four working groups will discuss topics connected to terrorist victimisation by focusing on a number of issues, including the prevalence of PTSD and the building of international networks to better support victims.

If you wish to participate, please contact: to receive the link to the event.

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