First Call for the XIV Annual Conference of the Victimology Society of Serbia – 28th and 29th November 2024, Belgrade

The XIV Annual Conference of the Victimology Society of Serbia entitled ‘Caring for Victims and Routes to Recovery‘ will be held on November 28th and 29th, 2024 at Hotel Palace, Topličin venac 23 in Belgrade, Serbia.

The conference aims to bring together experts and researchers, who deal both theoretically and practically from the perspective of different disciplines within victims’ rights and who provide assistance, protection and care to victims of crime. A special focus will be on identifying innovative approaches to support victims on their road to recovery.

Caring for victims involves a holistic and multidisciplinary approach. This is particularly important in the contemporary social context, characterized by various forms of victimization at different levels. Globally, wars, international terrorism, and other forms of mass victimization, ecological crimes, violence against women and children, are part of everyday life for people around the world, creating numerous victims who need help and support to overcome the consequences of victimization and find pathways to recovery. These are some of the topics that will be analysed and discussed during the two-day conference.

The conference work will be organized through:

·       Plenary sessions

·       Thematic sessions

·       Round tables/workshops

·       Poster presentations

Call for abstracts is available HERE.

Information on conference fees and registration is available HERE.

For additional information, please contact Ms. Milica Luković Radaković at +381112288040 or via email and

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