Emcee wanted for VSE Annual Conference 2023 in Berlin

At a lengthy 3-day conference, what people need most, in between presentations, is a mental or physical breather. We are looking for an MC who can provide that through short humorous routines and stretch breaks. 

Setting the tone of the room is one of the most important duties of the emcee. As the first person to come on stage, it is the emcee’s role to create a mood by what is said and how it is says, and with positive audience interaction.  

A good emcee has the power to set an enthusiastic tone to a conference and get the crowd engaged and excited. Interview senior executives on stage or extract inspiring case studies from audience members! 

At our upcoming conference this includes: setting an entertaining and relaxed tone to the event by doing (1) icebreaker activities in the beginning of each day, (2) before lunch and (3) announcing social events when closing the day.  

The emcee shouldn’t be worrying about the moderation of the plenaries and panels, it will be done by our executives: Bianca Biwer and Levent Altan.  

If you are interested in volunteering as an emcee, please send us an email at l.vandenheuvel@victimsupporteurope.eu.

We look forward to hearing from you. 

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