Do you want an online community forum?

Earlier this year we conducted a survey asking for your feedback on how we can best meet your needs, and ways we can serve you better. A key theme that emerged from that survey was a desire among our community for more ways to learn from and support one another.

To help address this need, we are considering to create a private, online community forum that will make it easier for you to connect, learn from and build relationships with others in the victim support community.

The purpose of this forum, which will be accessible through the VSE’s intranet, is to create an interactive and safe environment where support community members from around the world can ask and answer questions, share personal stories, and offer their expertise to others.

We envision a space for VSE members to:

  • Get answers by posting your own questions or searching through past posts
  • Join specific sub-groups relevant to your interests or needs (e.g., helplines, advocacy, help to specific types of victims, etc.)
  • Engage in group and one-on-one conversations with other community members

Do you want an online community forum?

We want to create this together – an inclusive space that serves the needs of everyone working with victims. We would appreciate 1 minute of your time to answer 1 question. Your input will help us ensure that the forum will actually be used by the members.

We’re listening.
Please, vote here.

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