COVIS project survey on support for victims and witnesses in connection with criminal justice hearings

Dear Members,

Victim Support Europe is inviting you to participate in an online survey, which aims to map countries in which support services exist for victims and witnesses called to participate in a trial or another form of criminal justice hearing. The survey is mainly focused on countries in Europe and will identify current availability and practical set-up of support services across the EU. It also aims to identify best practice in how to organise and deliver court based victims/witness support services.

The survey is being conducted as a part of the EU project COVIS (court based support services for victims and witnesses of crime). The COVIS project aims to build knowledge and provide tools to establish and deliver quality court-based support services for victims and witnesses of crime, to meet the needs and rights of all victims and/or witnesses participating in criminal proceedings. This project is led by Victim Support Sweden, in partnership with the Portuguese Association for Victim Support (Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vítima, APAV), Victim Support at Court (V-Sac Ireland), Victim Support Finland, and Victim Support Europe

We kindly invite you to share your insights by completing the survey at:

We kindly ask you to complete the survey before 21 April 2023 COB.

For more information about the project and its results, please visit the project webpage. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the VSE project team.

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