Call for inputs: development of legal fact sheets on child victims of crime

Dear Members,

Child Friendly Justice European Network is asking for your input to support the development of legal factsheets on child victims of crime.

On 3 February 2023, Child Friendly Justice European Network (CFJ-EN) introduced their CHILD-Lex database, which was developed through the CLEAR-Rights project.

The database aims to provide detailed information to professionals working with children about the rights of children in contact with the justice system (lawyers, prosecutors, social workers, judges, probation officers, etc.), and contains legal fact sheets detailing these rights under international, European and national legislation and case law.

The CFJ-EN is now looking to expand this database. Between now and the summer of 2023, we will be drafting several fact sheets focused on supporting child victims of crime in the European Union. This series of factsheets will provide information on European and International norms and case-law and first be redacted in English.

Our goal is to meet the needs of professionals in contact with child victims of crime as much as possible. This questionnaire is intended to gather your opinion on the content of these factsheets.

To contribute to the development of these fact sheets, please complete this short consultation form so that CFJ-EN can better understand the needs of practitioners.

We would be grateful if we could get inputs by Friday, 31st March 2023, c.o.b.

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