Apply now for 2022 Staff Exchange Programme!

Applications are now open for the 2022 VSE Staff Exchange! 

The VSE Staff Exchange Programme offers frontline victim support workers the opportunity to: 

  • Visit another member organisation for inspiration; 
  • See how other organisations provide support to victims in challenging environments; 
  • Develop a new tool or approach that another VSE member has put in place. 

The programme encourages the sharing of best practices and knowledge, peer-learning, and the development of professional and intercultural skills and competence. 

The 2022 Staff Exchange will be hosted by Associazione Spondé in Italy, from 28 to 30 November 2022. 

This year’s edition will focus on the topic of Restorative Justice. We have decided to organise the programme around this theme, as many members have expressed their interest in Restorative Justice last year, while we didn’t have the opportunity then to organise it. A more concrete agenda will be put together in a dialogue between the selected participants and the hosting organisation. In the next paragraph, you can find more information about the host: Associazione Spondé

Associazione Spondé generally proposes to spread a culture of peace, strengthen civic culture standards, contribute to the containment of social alarm through actions in the context of general and special prevention, taking action in the sense of seeking a peaceful solution to conflicts, the conciliation of family and social conflicts. 

In particular, it aims, in line with European directives on the matter, to spread restorative justice and the protection of victims of crime and, more generally, of anyone who feels victimised. In this regard, the following are mentioned among the various institutional purposes: 

  • Plan and implement initiatives in favour of victims, as defined by the international directives and by the Italian legislation, establishing support services for victims of any race and religion; 
  • Carry out awareness raising campaigns in the field of social solidarity for people in a state of vulnerability and for actions attributable to restorative justice, reconciliation, mediation and more generally to what creates social distress; 
  • Carry out awareness raising initiatives on restorative justice, criminal mediation and the penitentiary system in order to improve the condition and life of people in a state of social distress, with implications for the whole community. 


Are you interested to participate in this staff exchange and available between 28 and 30 November 2022? 

Submit your application now via this link. The deadline for submission is Tuesday 1 November 2022, at midnight. 


Kindly note that only a limited number of placements is available. Places will be given on the first come, first served basis and advantage will be given to full members. Please be aware that special rules can apply for non-EU members. Only one person per organisation will be allowed to participate in the exchange. 

We have funds available to cover the travel and subsistence costs for the selected VSE members’ representatives to visit Associazione Spondé and engage in a tailored programme on Restorative Justice. 

To learn more about VSE’s staff exchange, please, visit the dedicated Intranet page

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